Mental Health Room Mr. Patterson Learning Transitions Mental Health Room Mr. Patterson
What is Transitions Class? Transitions is considered the mental health room for students who have diagnoses with a mental health condition. This program is completely voluntary and serves as a supplemental room for support with mental health conditions. You do receive an elective credit for being in this class. We will discuss important issues and topics surrounding mental health, examine current-day strategies that effectively combat symptoms surrounding mental health conditions and participate in projects and group activities that extend your knowledge of your current diagnosis. This class will also serve a “safe-environment” for testing and breaks from your other core classes when necessary. I will expand more on this later.
Who is qualified to be in the mental health classroom? Students have to be diagnosed with a formal diagnosis, and have to be special education qualified. SDI minutes for academic areas or behavioral disorder. Parental consent and IEP team consideration for placement.
Social Worker – Holly Lowell Partnership with Holly Lowell to collaborate with parents and students on behavior goals and monitoring Holly is involved in IEP meetings to provide insight on resources for students and parents Holly works closely with student and parent to provide on-sight therapy that works with student schedule Works to help establish curriculum resources
“Community” Mission Statement “As a member of this classroom, I will take part in understanding or empathizing with others and not be a part of the social community that takes place in bullying or harassing others, especially those in this program with me. I understand by being in this class that I have a responsibility to myself and others to do my best at school and in social surroundings to maintain the integrity of the program and always strive for success in my endeavors. This means, that I can only hold myself responsible for my successes and failures.”
Content CBT – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Stress Anxiety Depression Self-Esteem and Confidence Negative Thinking Patterns Coping skills Yoga and Relaxation Facing your fears Guest speakers Group Sharing
Projects and School Awareness Students will have a few large projects throughout the school year that will be research oriented and self-reflective: Mental Health Research Project Who am I – self-discovery My Vicious Cycle (Depression, Anger, Anxiety, etc.) Stress Management Plan Students will create artwork associated with mental health awareness to post throughout the school – “erasing the stigma” Students will give first-hand video accounts of experiences with mental health in high school Teacher led professional development for staff training
Unexpected Results of Program Positive Negative Student relationships (bonds) within the program Growth and maturity within the program - self-aware 97% graduation rate in 4 years Students effectively navigate issues at school and use coping skills Student-teachers trust and communication Learn more intimately about students issues at home and in past Material can be challenging to discuss and having enough curriculum Stigma surrounding the students in my class
This will result in receiving no credit!
Student Speakers Monique – Senior that has been with the program all 3 years since coming up to the main campus. Working towards getting her CNA. Plans to attend DMACC nursing program after graduation. Brittany – Brittany has just started the program this year, but has jumped right in and benefitted from some connections made. She plans to graduate and go on to pursue social work or become a licensed therapist.