Healthier You The National Diabetes Prevention Programme ICS Health & Wellbeing Healthier You The National Diabetes Prevention Programme 16th August 2019 Antony Wood – Regional Manager
Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention programme has been developed collaboratively by NHS England, Public Health England and Diabetes UK and is a successful evidenced based programme that is now running for a further 3 years The programme, which gives advice on dieting, exercise and healthy lifestyle, is being doubled in size over the next few years to treat around 200,000 people annually as part of the NHS Long Term Plan’s renewed focus on prevention Your local NDPP has started to accept referrals with the opportunity for 5202 people to be supported within the next 3 years across Gloucestershire, with a number of patients being eligible for the digital service Further info: diabetes-prevention-programme-lose-almost-60000kg-between-them/ Healthier You
Eligibility criteria 18 years old and over Registered with a GP Practice in one of the following: HbA1c between 42-47 mmol/mol (6.0%-6.4%) or Fasting Plasma Glucose between 5.5-6.9 mmols/l within the last 12 months Not pregnant *Please also bear in mind the motivation to change and commitment level of patients when referring!* Healthier You
Accessing the service Healthier You Patient accepts F2F Referral accepted by PST Patient contacted to offer F2F Contact made Patient accepts digital Patient declines F2F Patient declines digital ‘Patient discharge’ process followed Healthier You
The face-to-face service Section two The face-to-face service Healthier You
End of programme one to one review Service user journey Initial assessment End of programme one to one review Group sessions Healthier You
The face-to-face service offer The programme provides 25 hours’ face-to-face delivery over 14 sessions. The programme has been designed with content based on: Eating well Moving more Taking charge Healthy Futures is grounded by behavioural insights and has been designed by our multi-disciplinary team, including clinical and health psychologists, dietitians, and sports/exercise specialists. Using education, interaction and peer support to consolidate learning and promote self-monitoring whilst sustaining engagement and retention. All group sessions include a weigh in, one-to-one opportunities and SMART goal review; supporting discussions around personal programme challenges and achievements. Healthier You
Initial assessment An initial one-to-one assessment: Programme overview, including understanding individual needs and motivations Short and long-term goal setting Assess lifestyle scores Healthier You
Group sessions: 6 fortnightly sessions: Session 1 Understanding diabetes Session 2 What is a balanced lifestyle? Session 3 Thinking about getting active? Session 4 What is a healthy diet? Session 5 Practical solutions for a healthier you Session 6 Enjoying my physical activity Healthier You
Group sessions: Followed by 7 monthly sessions: Session 7 Know your health Session 8 Values and obstacles Session 9 Stress, mindfulness and mindful eating Session 10 Physical activity within my community Session 11 Habits, self-compassion and visualisation Session 12 Sleep and creating your health blue print Session 13 Designing my physical activity plan Healthier You
End of programme one to one review A final one-to-one review: Reassess lifestyle scores Evaluation of progress Evaluation of service Signposting of other services Goal setting and review Healthier You
Support beyond face-to-face interaction Section three Support beyond face-to-face interaction Support beyond face-to-face interaction
Service users have access to Pedometer Physical activity video 5 handbooks available in varying languages Local signposting pack ICS H&W app Email reminders / e-learning E-learning platform Support beyond face-to-face interaction
Q&A Healthier You: Q&A