Welcome to Mrs Gillum’s Class 8th grade Science
Listen to what Ashton Kutcher has to say about success Listen to what Ashton Kutcher has to say about success. This was taped last year.
Tonight’s Homework & Extra Credit email For 5 extra credit points, I need you AND your parents to email me at: MRSG9064@AOL.COM HOWEVER, it has to be correctly formatted :
Subject line simply has the: number for your class period, and the student’s last name, and then first name
Body of email text
Extra Credit for doing this tonight! Student email = 5 ec points Parent email = 5 ec points If you share = 10 ec points!!
NOW: Please take out the paper that says: Thurgood Marshall Middle School 8th Grade Science 2015-16 SYLLABUS AND COURSE REQUIREMENTS The first page is for your parent to keep. Please be sure they rip apart the 2 stapled pages, and keep the top Syllabus.
This side is for YOU to complete The 2nd page: 8th Grade Science -Mrs. Gillum Science- Parent Signature Letter Side 1: Parent info: PLEASE have your parents complete tonight and turn in tomorrow!! You’ll get extra credit if they do! Side 2: STUDENT INFO This side is for YOU to complete
This paper is DUE on Friday… However, for those that like extra credit: Turn it in tomorrow: +5 ec pts + 10 pts DUE Friday : 10 pts After Friday: 0 pts REALLY late (next Monday): it’s -25 pts. If it still isn’t in by Tuesday it’s lunch detention”Dining with Gillum” until I get it.
Additional papers in front of you: District Syllabus: We’ve talked about 8th Grade Syllabus 2015: Month 1 8th GRADE SCIENCE STUDENT INFO WELCOME TO SCIENCE!
8th Grade Syllabus 2015: Month 1 This tells you day by day what work is due, and what we are doing in class. FOLLOW IT! If you misplace this paper, you can always get a copy by going on to my web page: http://mrsgillumscience.com
http://mrsgillumscience.com Here you will find the syllabus to download, the power points you may have to complete as homework or those that we will go over in class You’ll also find the homework which you can download for extra credit or download if you lose the copy I give you
8th GRADE SCIENCE STUDENT INFO WELCOME TO SCIENCE! This paper gives you a quick glimpse about what we’re going to be covering this year: Chemistry, Physics, Engineering & Flying Cars, Space, Solar Cars, Sex ed
8th GRADE SCIENCE STUDENT INFO WELCOME TO SCIENCE! On the front it describes what you’re going to need: A folder with notebook paper & pockets to hold science papers, and ladies, I would like you to bring in an old t-shirt that you can wear during labs. These are due on Friday. On the back is a brief outline of our year
For the rest of the period I am going to be taking your photos AND I want you to complete the student info page, so you can turn it in tomorrow and get extra credit. Your parent’s need to do the parent side, but you can finish the student side during the rest of the period.