STAFFING The Year Three classes are: Mersey, Thames and Trent Mersey Class teacher: Thames Class teacher: Nazmin Nessa Abi Wells Trent Class teacher: Anna Middleton PPA teachers: Shaun Purcell and Micaela Schafer Learning support teachers: Anita Baker, Tania Parsons and Alan Hydes
DEVELOPING SKILLS AND ATTITUDES I enjoy challenge I can have a go I am curious about the world around me I can keep trying until I can do it I can understand how others feel I’ve got my own ideas that I’d like to try
How we support learning in Reading Daily reading – please bring reading log every day!!!! Daily spelling Independence and choice of books Sharing a whole class book at the end of the day Inviting authors and poets in to talk about their work Setting an example as staff who love reading! How you can support learning in Reading Listen to your child read and talk about the books they are reading Encourage them to read a little EVERY DAY!!! Encourage recording in the reading record
How we support learning in Mathematics Daily maths and mental arithmetic lessons. Number facts practised “I have 6……we have 4”. Focus on understanding by teaching with the concrete, pictorial, abstract method How you can support learning in Mathematics Support Mathletics homework – at least 30 mins a week (Mathletics week is Monday –Sunday) Parents can now sign up for a progress report – go to Ground Floor today!! Look at maths opportunities in the real world – money, time, measures Link to Website – Curriculum – Maths calculation strategy guidance.
Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract. Focuses on understanding Allows children to experience maths rather than just see it. Invites children to explore maths and helps with problem solving. Encourages children to talk about maths and develop their understanding independently. Manipulatives allow for personalised teaching and learning. (manipulatives = cubes, coins, tens/ones, bead strings, etc) Link to Website – Curriculum – Maths calculation strategy guidance. 8 1
How we support learning in Writing Engaging with talk, drama and creative tasks High quality books Modelling good writing practices Giving the children purpose for their writing. Supporting grammar, spelling and punctuation learning How you can support learning in Writing Support spelling homework – weekly (Monday given out, hand in by Friday) Encourage pencil grip, good seating and writing at home e.g. thank you letters after a birthday
How to help at home School readiness – good night’s sleep, breakfast, calm journey to school. Homework: Mathletics- weekly 1000 points challenge!! (Mon-Sun) Spelling words (Mon-Fri) Reading - daily reading
Any questions?