China’s Golden Age
Mandate of Heaven Ethics determine a good ruler Weather War also factors
Tang Dynasty Rulers Ruled for 300 years Li Yuan founded the Tang Dynasty Son Tang Taizong deposed him Brought a stable government back to China
Tang Dynasty Rulers Revived Chinas Bureaucracy Government departments with fixed responsibility Created an efficient government Argued as one of Chinas greatest emperors Empress Wu, China’ only female Emperor
The Tang Capital Capital Chang’an Population 2 million Largest city in the world Grid pattern 2 markets Major commercial center
Arts and Literature Golden age for art and Literature Fine paintings Ceramics, glazed pots and figurines Buddhist Temples with Statues Poetry, Li Bo
The Song Era of good Government Class of scholar-officials-highly educated civil servants Examinations Those of passed qualified Monitored officials Could not serve in home district Change job every 3 years
The Merit System Hiring or promoting based on talent and skill, rather than wealth or social status Officials who did well moved up By promoting scholar class built up loyal base Nobles power reduced Scholar-officials became highest ranking group
The Shift to the South Economic growth under Song Urbanization- growth of cities Several cities with 1 million population Many in south next to Yangtze River Withdrew from north after Barbarian invasion Fled to Hangzhou as new capital
Daosim Means way of nature Living closer with nature Started as philosophy Had temples, priests, monasteries
Buddhism taught life involves suffering Give up world desires and seek enlightenment Achieve enlighten to enter nirvana Escape rebirth
Buddhism in China Strengthened between Han and Tang dynasties Appeal based on salvation Adapted over time to include parts of Daoism Two schools of thought Pure Land Salvation through faith Chan Meditation, awareness and living in the moment
Opposition to Buddhism Criticized as an alien religion Others criticized withdrawal from the world Also Wealth and power
Opposition to Buddhism Violent persecutions Emperor Wuzong hated Buddhists 854 ordered destruction of 4,600 monasteries and 40,000 temples 250,000 forced to give up religious life Did not regain power and popularity in China
Confucianism Most opposition to Buddhism came from Confucians System of ethics and morals was main belief system before Buddhism
Confucian thought Designed to bring peace and stability to China in 551 Based on respect for family Fixed role in society Respect social rank Maintain order Moral virtue
Neo-Confucianism Buddhism cause Confucians to think more religiously Influenced by Buddhism and Daoism Changed the Dao to self improvement Focus on education
Southern Rice Farming The water was mostly in south Main crop was rice Required flooded fields Developed pumps Developed new strands of rice Harvest 2-3 crops a yr
Land Tenure Went from government control to purchased land Wealthy owned land Farmers were tenants
Ships and Navigation Oceangoing ships that could hold 500 people Multiple decks and masts Water tight compartments Magnetic compass
Gunpowder and Printing Gunpowder first used for fireworks Bombs, rockets, and other weapons Block printing Price of books cheapened More schools High rates of literacy
Growth of Trade Increase farm production Drop in transportation costs Grand canal Money economy Paper currency Production of Silk Porcelain Iron