Determinants of patient-ventilator interaction. Determinants of patient-ventilator interaction. The patient's neural intensity per breath is translated into pressure generated by the respiratory muscles (Pmus). Both the ventilator's driving airway pressure (Paw) and Pmus are the pressure applied to overcome respiratory system elastance (ERS), resistance (RRS), and intrinsic PEEP (PEEPi). Inadequate Paw results in unmet patient flow demand, causing flow asynchrony. The patient's neural breathing frequency (fN) consists of inspiratory (TIN) and expiratory (TEN) neural timing. Likewise, the mechanical frequency (fM) consists of mechanical inspiratory (TIM) or expiratory (TEM) timing. Mismatching between the timing components results in timing or phase asynchrony. (Adapted from Reference 17.) Catherine SH Sassoon Respir Care 2011;56:39-51 (c) 2012 by Daedalus Enterprises, Inc.