CALL EACEA N° 35/2012 TEMPUS IV – SIXTH CALL FOR PROPOSALS Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency EACEA CALL EACEA N° 35/2012 TEMPUS IV – SIXTH CALL FOR PROPOSALS Building Capacity of Serbian Agricultural Education to link with Society, CaSA 544072-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TEMPUS-SMHES (2013 – 4604 / 001 - 001) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development (in CaSA document abbrev. ME) Proposing strategies and policy measures. Preparing laws and regulations. Inspecting and Monitoring different activities within the system. Defining and implementing the projects and programs of education, science and technology development. ME has eight sectors. Contact person for CaSA is from Department for EU Integration and Development. Representatives of two ME sectors (for Higher and Secondary), two Centers (Prof. Dev. of Teachers and Secondary and Adult Ed.) and one Council (Sec. and Adult) should be involved or informed about the implementation of CaSA. CaSA Kick off meeting, Belgrade FABU January 30 – 31. 2014
CALL EACEA N° 35/2012 TEMPUS IV – SIXTH CALL FOR PROPOSALS Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency EACEA CALL EACEA N° 35/2012 TEMPUS IV – SIXTH CALL FOR PROPOSALS Building Capacity of Serbian Agricultural Education to link with Society, CaSA 544072-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-RS-TEMPUS-SMHES (2013 – 4604 / 001 - 001) Role in CaSA To acknowledge the NaRA as a model repository and accredited provider of ATL for University and AMSs teachers, as well as distance learning in-service teacher training vocational courses for teachers in AMSs and for experts in ES. Coordinating with the representatives of other institutions and bodies at national level. WP1 in NaRA structure and content definition. WP4 in need analysis for knowledge refreshment (questionnaires preparation, their analysis and report preparation). WP8 in creation of the body for project quality control. WP9 in adoption of dissemination plan, identifying target groups and support dissemination activities including a final conference. WP11 as members of SC. CaSA Kick off meeting, Belgrade FABU January 30 – 31. 2014