Introduction to Networked Computing IP Addressing
Summary Identifies a device in the network layer IPv4: 32 bits (only 232 ~ 4.3 billion) Decimal display: IPv6: 128 bits (3.4 x 1038 addresses) Decimal display: 2001:db8:0:1234:0:567:1:1
Address Registration IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) from 1972 InterNIC ~ Network Information Center (1992 to Sep 18, 1998) 1998 – ICANN (Internet Coporation for Assigned Numbers and Names)
Top Level Domains IANA-era ICANN-era Domain name censorship: US TLDs: .mil, .gov, .edu, .net, .org, .com Country TLD’s: .uk, .hu, .de, ... ICANN-era .eu, .museum, ... Domain name censorship: Network Solution’s „least agreeable English word filter” – rejects
IPv4 Address Classes Class A IP Addresses: Class B IP Addresses: 0 – 7-bit Network# - 24-bit Host# (~16M) First decimal: 0-127.x.x.x Class B IP Addresses: 10 - 14-bit Network# - 16-bit Host# (~65536) First decimal: 128-191.x.x.x Class C IP Addresses: 110 - 21-bit Network# - 8-bit Host# (~256) First decimal: 192-223.x.x.x
IPv4 Network Mask: 32-bit binary number Prefix length: With 1’s for the network bits With 0’s for the host bits Class A: Class B: Class C: Prefix length: The number of ones in the network # 8, 16, and 24 - for Class A,B, and C
Special IP Addresses – the actual device/host (unspecified, cannot be target address) x.x.x.0 – ID for a whole C subnet x.x.x.1 – broadcast address 127.x.x.x – loopback address
Private IP Networks/Addresses Class A: 10.x.x.x (Netmask: Class B: 172.16.x.x (Netmask: Class C: 192.168.x.x (Netmask: 255.0255.0.0)
IPv6 Addresses IPv4 Network Address exhaustion Reasons: 2005, Cisco Systems: 5 to 6 years 2007, ARIN: in 2010 2010, Geoff Huston (IANA): September 2011 Reasons: Mobile devices Always-on connections Household broadband Internet access growth Inefficient address use