We are dedicated to improving the health and well-being of all of the people in the communities we serve. Memorial Hospital of Carbondale Herrin Hospital St. Joseph Memorial Hospital
Staying on course to your preferred destination. Who’s Driving the Bus? Staying on course to your preferred destination. Greg Smith, BSEd, RN, SCRN SIH Community Health Coordinator
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What are we talking about?
Illinois Health Care Surrogate Act (755 ILCS 40/25) Priority Order Patient’s guardian of person Patient’s spouse or partner of a registered civil union Adult child Parent Adult sibling Adult grandchild A close friend of the patient The patient’s guardian of the estate
Our discussion today: Advance Directives Hospice Care Palliative Care Power Of Attorney for Health Care Living Will Mental Health Treatment Declaration Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)/Practitioner Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) (DNR/POLST Order) Hospice Care Palliative Care
Advanced Directives The essential purpose of an advance directive is to allow people to receive the specific medical treatment they want, or to refuse the medical treatment they do not want, during a time in which a person would otherwise be incapable of expressing their desires.
Power Of Attorney for Health Care Advanced Directives Power Of Attorney for Health Care A document in which you appoint someone else to make medical treatment decisions for you if you cannot make them for yourself. The person you name is called your health care agent, proxy, representative, or surrogate. You can also include instructions for decision-making.
Advanced Directives Living Will A living will tells your health-care professional whether you want death-delaying procedures used if you have a terminal condition and are unable to state your wishes. A living will, unlike a health care power of attorney, only applies if you have a terminal condition.
Advanced Directives Do Not Resuscitate (DNR)/ Practitioner Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) (DNR/POLST Order) A DNR order is a medical treatment order stating that cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) will not be attempted if your heart and/or breathing stops.
Advanced Directives Establishing an advance directive can create a "roadmap" for expressing thoughts and feelings about life, death, and treatment options in an established, formal manner. Furthermore, since different people have widely-varying beliefs and values, an advance directive can provide direction of care and allow an individual to maintain decisional control at a time of decreased competence or consciousness.
“Road Map” vs. No Road Map
Advanced Directives The formation of an advance directive can also relieve family stress at a time of emotional struggle. If default decision makers, who could be more than one person (such as parents), are unable to agree, family consent could be undermined. This could place decisional authority in the hands of health care providers or the courts.
It’s your bus trip, it’s your choice.
Hospice Care Dying individuals may choose hospice care. A holistic and philosophical approach to end of life care, hospice brings doctors, nurses, social workers and other professionals together as a care team. The hospice team’s goal is to make the patient as comfortable as possible during his or her final days. Hospice emphasizes pain control, symptom management, natural death, and quality of life to comfort the patient’s physical body.
Palliative Care Palliative care works to achieve one of the primary goals of healthcare—relief of symptoms. Palliative care is an option for patients who are seriously or terminally ill. It focuses on achieving the best possible quality of life for a patient by emphasizing total and comprehensive care for all a patient’s needs: pain and symptom management, spiritual, social, psychological, and emotional well being.
Palliative Care Palliative care is similar to that of hospice care. However, palliative care is not restricted to patients near the end of life and can be used in both acute and long term care settings. One striking similarity between hospice and palliative care is the use of an interdisciplinary team of professionals including doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists, chaplains, and others to provide comprehensive care.
Happy Travels!!!
Questions? The content of this presentation is provided for informational and educational purposes only in order to assist you in making your own informed decisions about your care and treatment options. The content of this presentation does not constitute medical advice or opinion in any manner whatsoever. The content of this presentation should never be substituted in place of medical advice/opinion from a licensed physician. All questions regarding your specific diagnosis and treatment should always be directed to a licensed physician.
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