Langford Primary School


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Presentation transcript:

Langford Primary School Team: 6 Class teacher: Kate Healy & Mrs Berry

Behaviour Expectations – our policy Langford In Harmony Stay on Green Any concerns are communicated via face to face or over the phone Star of the Week

Routines Home learning : Everything sent out on Thursday Spellings (Monday and Friday) & Times tables (Monday) Home tasks – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Read every day PE is on Wednesday afternoon- Swimming this half term. Please ensure they have their full swimming kits. Library sessions are half termly. Children change library books once they have finished. Year 6 children should be reading chapter books.

Curriculum this term Maths: Place value The four operations Fractions, decimals and percentages English: Poetry Instructions Suspense opening Letter writing Topic: This term we will be the Mayans and Evolution.

Communication I am available before and after school or you can book in a meeting with the office. Email: Class blog:

National Curriculum Exams (commonly known as SAT’s). This is the fifth year of pupils sitting the new style of exams. What did we learn from the first year: Writing moderation is extremely strict. If your child is not using joined up handwriting , they will be deemed as below the national standard. If your child is not using capital letters, full stops etc. They will be deemed below the national standard. Reading, in particular, is much harder. The children are expected to be reading challenging, age-related texts.

‘Old’ national curriculum levels (e. g ‘Old’ national curriculum levels (e.g. Level 3, 4, 5) have now been abolished, as set out in the government guidelines. Test scores will be reported as ‘scaled scores’ with 100 being the average. Your child will still be taught with the highest expectations and cover all required elements of the curriculum. The new curriculum is more rigorous and sets high expectations.

Questions Key Stage 2 SATs take place nationally in May 2020. Statutory tests will be administered in the following subjects: Reading (60 minutes) Spelling (approximately 15 minutes) Punctuation, Vocabulary and Grammar (45 minutes) Mathematics - Paper 1: Arithmetic (30 minutes) - Paper 2: Reasoning (40 minutes) - Paper 3: Reasoning (40 minutes) In addition, some schools will be required to take part in Science testing, consisting of three tests in Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Not all schools will take part in this sampling, which takes place on a later date. All tests are externally marked. Writing will be ‘Teacher Assessed’ internally, as in recent years.

Reading Test The Reading Test consists of a single test paper with three unrelated reading texts. Children are given 60 minutes in total, which includes reading the texts and answering the questions. A total of 50 marks are available. Questions are designed to assess the comprehension and understanding of a child’s reading. Some questions are multiple choice or selected response, others require short answers and some require an extended response or explanation.

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar A Spelling test is administered containing 20 words, lasting approximately 15 minutes. A separate test is given on Punctuation, Vocabulary and Grammar This test lasts for 45 minutes and requires short answer questions, including some multiple choice. Marks for these two tests are added together to give a total for Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar.


Maths Children will sit three tests: Paper 1, Paper 2 and Paper 3. Paper 1 is for ‘Arithmetic’ lasting for 30 minutes, covering calculation methods for all operations, including use of fractions, percentages and decimals. Questions gradually increase in difficulty. Not all children will be expected to access some of the more difficult questions later in the paper. Papers 2 and 3 cover ‘Problem Solving and Reasoning’, each lasting for 40 minutes. Pupils will still require calculation skills but will need to answer questions in context and decide what is required to find a solution.

Team 6 expectations We want every child at Langford to leave primary school being confident learners. We want all children to be as prepared as they can for secondary schools. We want children to look in their study books when they are unsure of something. Study books are £10 for three (usual cost is £18). Home-learning will sometimes be set from the study book. Children attend boosters and home-learning is completed.

How you can support your child at home Continue to read as often as possible. Ensure all home learning is completed to a high standard. Read all letters and communication from school. Handwriting – practise each day. If you require resources, speak to myself or Miss Cooper who will happily provide these. Spelling word list – stick these on the fridge, in the room, ask your children daily to spell some words. Times tables. These should have been mastered by the end of Year 4. If not, it is essential they learn them off by heart. When they are assigned booster classes, ensure they attend. These will be free and invaluable.

Secondary Transition Meeting Date – Wednesday 18th September 2019 @ 2:45 Deadline for secondary school application is 31st October Computing room will be open for research or online applications Look out for open days on the secondary school’s website

Residential Intending to have a residential 2/3 nights away Look out for letters

Hegarty Maths Online tutorials for the children to watch Over 800 mathematical skills Children have their own login so they can practise at school or at home
