Unit Two Vocabulary https://quizlet.com/88271962/georgia-studies-geography-unit-one-two-flash-cards/
Geography: the study of Earth as the home of humans Hemisphere: one-half of a sphere Elevation: the height (altitude) of a place above sea or ground level Region: an area on Earth’s surface that is defined by certain unifying characteristics Barrier island: an island that lies off the coast and protects the beaches by blocking much of the wind, sands, and water that could erode the mainland.
6. urban area: defined as a city with a population over 2,500 or a city and its surrounding area with over 50,000 residents. 7. rural area: defined as a town or community of less than 2,500 people 8. suburban area (suburb): residential areas around cities 9. infrastructure: basic facilities such as roads, bridges, and ports 10. metro (metropolis) a central city of over 50,000 residents or a city and its surrounding counties with a total population of 100,000 or more
deep water ports: any port that has the capacity to accommodate large shipping vessels climate: the type of weather a region experiences over a long period of time (Weather is day-to-day conditions). economics: the study of how we made decisions to allocate limited resources in order to meet our unlimited wants goods: any item that can be bought, sold, or traded; tangible objects that satisfy economic wants. 15. services: activities performed by people, firms or government agencies to satisfy economic wants
16. market: an area of economic activity in which buyers and sellers come together and the forces of supply and demand affect prices 17. B.C.: stands for before Christ ; B.C.E.: before common era 18. C.E.: common era 19. A.D.: an abbreviation for anno domini – “in the year of our Lord” 20. domestic: relating to, or affecting a nation (home) 21. Relative location ~ the position of one place in relation to another using cardinal and intermediate directions. 22. Population density ~ refers to how many people live in a square mile.
21. Relative location ~ the position of one place in relation to another using cardinal and intermediate directions. 22. Population density ~ refers to how many people live in a square mile. 23. Landforms ~ varying land formations such as mountains, hills, plains. 24. Relief ~ the difference in elevation within a land formation or 25. Physiographic regions ~ areas with similarities in landforms, elevation, rocks & minerals, soil and other characteristics. 26. Secondary sources ~ accounts not personally witnessed to events.
27. Bedrock ~ large areas of solid rock found just beneath the earth’s surface, such as granite and marble. 28. Plateau ~ an area of flat or gently sloping land with a high relief over neighboring valleys and low-lying areas. 29. Estuaries ~ the area around a river’s mouth where fresh and salt water mix 30. Reservoirs ~ large artificial lakes
31. Nation – a land mass inhabited by people who share a common territory and government. 32. Naval stores – pitch, tar, and resin that is taken from pine trees and used in ship building. 33. Chert – sedimentary rock used by the American Indians to make knives
34. Commoners – the work force in the Mississippian culture 35. Elites – the power holders in the Mississippian culture. 36. Maize – corn