Group 4 Project “a student will not be awarded a grade without participation in the project” Stuart Bond, Principal Moderator IB
Rationale students analyze a topic or problem or question emphasis is on interdisciplinary cooperation and the processes involved in scientific investigation
Project Stages GROUP ASSIGNMENT PLANNING: meet & select a focused topic/Q INVESTIGATION : PE, Ex, A, Ev, C - conduct an experiment* and a survey and/or research EVALUATION: 3 components: modified lab report (a google doc shared amongst your team and specified teacher) peer assessment personal reflection
1. Group Assignment see attached link
Group Meeting Places 1-11 room 416 (MacKay) 12-23 room 420 (Bell/Epplett-Stuart) 24-35 room 406 (Drung) 36-45 room 432 (Busch)
2. Planning brainstorm ideas based on given theme select a focus for the topic & develop a specific research Q plan the investigation as a group order supplies by specified deadline
Planning Example THEME: Human Performance GENERAL FOCUS: Chemical factors that affect human performance at the cellular level RESEARCH Q: What is the effect of increasing the concentration of a caffeine solution on the rate of caffeine diffusion through a semi-permeable membrane as measured by the absorbance of light after a specified time period?
Ordering Supplies plan your materials carefully and use small quantities - ensure feasibility of use & safety concerns are considered include all items from stores (grocery, hardware etc.) and chemical supply companies ( *Groups may purchase supplies at their own expense after the deadline. *Keep your costs to $50.00 or less per group.
Order Example Complete attached google form by the end of the day on Thursday, November 10th. eg. Boreal - Cat #1234 - 50g Sodium Laurel Sulfate, lab grade - $10.00 Grocery Store - 1L Realmade Lemon Juice - $2.00 HomeHardware - 5kg Road Salt - $10.00
Theme for 2016: Science of the Grand River
3. Evaluation A collaborative modified lab report pertaining to your investigation worth 5% of OSSD grade in 11 chem and 12 bio You must contribute to the google doc to provide record of your contribution You must participate in the lab investigation
Evaluation Modified lab report should include: focused research question an overview of variables, lab design/method (may include pictures)* appropriate & detailed data collection appropriate & detailed analysis conclusion reflection on procedure (what went well, modifications, insights on design limitations)
Evaluation Peer evaluation: used with the rubric to determine each individuals mark, included in the 5% Personal reflection: included with IA and sent in to be moderated
Schedule NOVEMBER DECEMBER 10 ORDERS DUE by end of day 7 lab time 1 Class Intro 2 Group Planning at Lunch 10 ORDERS DUE by end of day 7 lab time 8-11:45 grps 1-15 8 lab time 8-11:45 grps 16-30 9 lab time 8-11:45 grps 31-45 12 lab time lunch grps1-22 13 lab time lunch grps23-45 NOVEMBER DECEMBER
Evaluation DUE by end of day Jan 16, 2017