Our Business Philosophy Capacity Building International Market Access Market Research
Research Market Identification Exercise – Identified the top 50 products for Trinidad and Tobago based on historical growth and value. Identified and ranked the top 70 international markets for those products. Market Surveys – Test the feasibility of exporting our products to a market by looking at the opportunities and threats. Costa Rica, Colombia, Haiti and Canada. Research Enquiries – Utilises a number of free and subscription based databases to provide info which help exporters with decision making. 200 enquiries are fulfilled every year.
MARKET RESEARCH Euromonitor International Panjiva 27 industries 210 Countries Global, Market and Product Trends Company Shares, Brand Shares Distribution Pricing Panjiva Info available from the Bill of Lading documents Covers US Ports, and Ports of Central and South America All sectors International Trade Centre Import/Export data in value and quantities General, MFN and Preferential Duties Standards Company Info MARKET RESEARCH Where do we get our Market Facts and Figures?
General Methodology Product Definition Market Identification Trade Analysis Product Definition Market Identification Market Access Country Analysis Macro economic indicators Demographics Country risk Market Entry Distribution, pricing, standards, packaging etc Trade Fairs, Trade Missions, Online Presence
exporTT Capacity Building and Support Services Co-Financing Meeting International Standards Overcoming Non- Tariff Barriers to Trade Research and Development Facility Exporter Training
Exporter Training Training Provided by exporTT’s Training Unit * focuses on building capacity of Exporters * Helping firms navigate the manufacturer to exporter stage * Empowers companies to confidently access new markets
Meeting International Standards Providing a pathway to international standards certifications Would like to include Production Process as well as Product/ Service Specific Standards Access a comprehensive range of export readiness training
Co-Financing A Company shall receive financial support from exporTT on the condition that the company will be reimbursed for a portion of the pre-approved investment, purchase, cost or expense incurred by the company in reaching selected export markets. Due to an oversubscription of applicants to the Co- Financing Service, further applications for the rest of exporTT’s fiscal year have been suspended. We will resume receiving new applications from mid- September 2018
Co-Financing Products and/or Company Registration in Overseas Markets Approved companies get conditional financial support. This takes the form of reimbursements for a portion of a pre-approved investment, purchase, cost or expense incurred in reaching selected export markets. Eligible activities include: Product Testing Translation & Interpretation of Export Related Documents Products and/or Company Registration in Overseas Markets Intellectual Property Registration in Overseas Markets Trade Show Participation Registration and Booth Rental Shipping of Samples Label Design Modification
Export Promotions Capabilities Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen, Export Promotions department at exporTT is at the forefront of expanding the export thrust of Trinidad and Tobago manufacturers and service providers
Export Promotions Services Trade Missions Outward Trade Missions Inward Trade Missions Virtual Trade Missions Trade Shows B2B Meetings Business Advisories The objective of a trade mission is to match buyer to sellers Outward Trade Mission is where exporTT takes manufacturers to meet sellers in a designated market Inward Trade Missions is where exporTT brings buyers to meet the manufacturers The virtual Trade Mission is where exportt arranges B2B meetings with buyers and sellers outside a mission Exportt arranges B2B meetings with manufacturers and buyers if there is a need for the product in a chosen market or if the exporter is visiting a country and wishes to meet with potential buyers Officers offers advice to exporters based on needs of the exporter and market intelligence
Thank you! www.exportt.co.tt