Do you recognize your leaders? Elders = Overseers (Bishops) = Shepherds Lead…………Watch……………..Care for Motivated to benefit the sheep and glorify the Great Shepherd The Holy Spirit raises them up and the elders and flock recognize them
WHAT IS OUR RELATIONSHIP TO OUR ELDERS? They are “among us” Respect them (1Thessalonians 5:12-13) Trust them (Hebrews 13:17) Communicate with them (James 5:14) Support them (1Timothy 5:17-18) Expect of them (1Timothy 5:19-20) **Elders should be loved as brothers, not resisted as foes
“Small Groups” Survey Your SHBC elders have been praying for a number of years regarding the potential benefit of what are often referred to as “small groups” (this term will be used throughout this survey, thought it may not be the description ultimately applied if this ministry is launched). We have been approached by a variety of individuals who have expressed their own desire for regularly gathering with a small group of fellow-believers for spiritual purposes (normally 7-15 people).
“Small Groups” Survey The benefits that other local churches have experienced through this type of ministry include: -an atmosphere of openness and relationship building, -an opportunity for discussion and sharing of questions, struggles, and insights, -a fostering of spiritual growth and accountability, -development of deeper friendships and application of Scripture, and more.
“Small Groups” Survey Each survey will be read individually by each elder. We hope that you will prayerfully and sincerely share your thoughts on this potential ministry. We understand that not everyone will be interested in “small groups”, and we also realize that there are many logistical challenges involved. Through this survey we are hoping to gain a better idea of the level of interest.
“Small Groups” Survey Setting…Where to meet? Frequency…How often to meet? Timing…When to meet? Length…How long to meet? Content…What would be included? Childcare…How will it be handled? Make-up…Who will be in what group?
“Small Groups” Survey Dream…What would it look like? Goals…What should it accomplish? Reservations…Concerns? Miscellaneous…Anything else?
“Small Groups” Survey Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. Be assured that your elders will prayerfully consider all input that we receive. We recognize that it is ultimately our responsibility before the Lord to make decisions regarding this potential ministry, but we also are confident that the Lord desires us to be sensitive to input from the believers in the assembly.
DO YOU RECOGNIZE YOUR LEADERS? Your elders love you and desire to work alongside you for the glory of the Lord, the building up of the church, and the spreading of the gospel to the world… BE PATIENT WITH US…AND PRAY FOR US!