Happy Birthday: We do not have any birthday’s this month! December 2017 Ms. Mitchell’s Classroom News ~ PBL Driving Question: How can you determine which soil is best for growing a garden? ~ Students are tardy after 7:45 a.m. Please ensure that your child arrives to school on time. ~ Be sure your child reads daily, complete the assigned homework, & please sign their agenda. ~ Continue to go over our school- wide Behavior Matrix with your child each day. ~ Study multiplication facts! REMIND APP Code- @994f68 Reading: Point of View and Compare and Contrast Language Arts: Parts of Speech and Commas Writing: Informational Writing Math: Multiplication and Division Science: Rocks and Soils Social Studies: Explorers Dec. 6th (Wed.)- Pictures with Santa Dec. 8th (Fri..)- LES Spelling Bee Dec.11th (Mon.)- Last Day of Enrichment Cluster Dec.12th (Tues..)- Informational Mock Writing Dec. 13th (Wed.)- Math CFA Dec. 14th (Thurs.)- Reading CFA Dec. 15th (Fri.)- Math Exemplar Dec. 20th (Wed.)- School- Wide Incentive Day Dec. 22nd (Fri.)- Holiday Party & Grade Period Ends Dec. 25- Jan. 8th (Mon.- Mon.)- Winter Break/ PL for teachers on Mon.,Jan.8th If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via remind app, email, or give me a call at: 770.288.2036 Mallory.mitchell@henry.k12.ga.us Happy Birthday: We do not have any birthday’s this month!