ROOM 411 Welcome to Our Room! Home of Team G.A.
About Mrs. Arnold Arnold Background: I have lived in 13 different states. I have traveled to nine different countries. I have been married for nearly 27 years. I have four children: a college graduate, two in college, and one high school senior. I graduated from Stanford University with a B.S. in Biological Sciences. My Experience: I was a Research Scientist for several years at the University of Illinois in Chicago. This is my second year as a fourth grade teacher at Seven Hills Charter Public School. Arnold
About Mr. Green Green Background: I recently graduated from Worcester State University with a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education. I grew up in Brimfield Massachusetts where I attended Tantasqua Regional High School. I am an avid New England sports fan and have participated on many sports teams throughout my life. I have two older sisters, one older brother, one younger brother and a 180 pound Saint Bernard! Teaching Experience: I completed my student teaching practicum at Chandler Magnet School in Worcester Massachusetts. I work for ™Wicked Cool for Kids over summer breaks where I teach science to elementary students. Green
Curriculum Overview-Math Base Ten Area, Perimeter Operations -Addition -Subtraction -Multiplication -Division Fractions Decimals Angles, Lines, Two Dimensional Shapes Patterns Real World Problems
Curriculum Overview-Science Machines and Tools Water Cycle Levers and Force Electricity Engineering Design Rate and Pendulums Characteristics of an Organism States of Matter
Curriculum Overview- English Language Arts English Language Arts: Reading and Comprehending Fiction -Literature Genre -Story Elements -Reading Comprehension Strategies Narrative Writing -Sentences, paragraphs -Parts of speech -Ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions Spelling Vocabulary Reading and comprehending nonfiction -Main ideas and details Research Report Persuasive writing Poetry
Curriculum Overview-Social Studies North American Countries and bodies of water Regions of the U.S. States and Capitals U.S. Diversity and Immigration Economics
Classroom Expectations In this classroom, or what we refer to as our “house”, there are specific expectations for students. Respect Yourself Respect Your Teammates Respect Your “House” Give 100% Each Day
Team Code Pay Attention Just Do It Now Go-For The Win/Win Team GA took it upon ourselves to design our own code of conduct. We live by this code of conduct everyday! Pay Attention Just Do It Now Go-For The Win/Win
Class Jobs Please take a look at our class jobs that are posted on the “Jumbotron” to the left of the door. As a part of Team GA, its important that every teammate pulls their own weight and does their job for the success of the team.
The Marble Jar Ask your child about the Marble Jar! The Marble Jar is located on the window sill near Mrs. Arnolds desk. This jar is used as a classroom management tool by rewarding the class for good behavior in the classroom and throughout the school. If the class is caught doing the “right thing” they are rewarded with a marble that will go into the marble jar. When the Marble Jar is filled the whole class will be rewarded with a special day of fun!
Quarters and the Class Store Look around at all the desk tops. You will see plastic quarters in the top left corner. If a student is caught doing the “right thing” he or she will be told by a teacher to “Quarter Up”. When students collect Four quarters they may trade them in for a paper dollar. Students can spend these dollars at the classroom store.