Parent Information Evening Y6 2019-2020 Parent Information Evening
Grammar, punctuation and spelling – daily practice English Grammar, punctuation and spelling – daily practice Guided reading – regular sessions backed up by reading homework Spellings Daily vocabulary work This half-term: Novel as a theme and Biography Rest of year: a range of fiction including crime and classics, Shakespeare, a variety of poetry and a range of non-fiction which includes hybrid texts.
It varies each term now rather than half-termly. Theme Our theme for this term is “Survival” following the Lancashire planning which encompasses art, DT, music, geography and history. It varies each term now rather than half-termly. Some of our theme work will compliment our English work and form the basis of our Big Write sessions. Children will use their computing skills to research. Some homework will be set around our theme. Themes for the rest of the year: ‘Heroes and Villains, and ‘Britain at War’
Emphasis on fractions, decimals and percentages. Maths Year 6 curriculum builds on knowledge and skills acquired in Years 3,4 and 5. Involves both new and revision of skills and applying them to reasoning and problem solving. Emphasis on fractions, decimals and percentages. Consolidate understanding of written methods. 2D and 3D shape. Interpreting and constructing a range of tables and graphs including pie charts. It is vital your child is confident at recalling all times table facts up to 12x12 and knows their number bonds.
Pupils will have 2 science lessons a week. Our theme for this half term is linked to our theme work starting with Evolution and adaptation. Pupils will plan and conduct experiments to extend their knowledge. They will be encouraged to apply their knowledge of the real world to explain their findings. Other topics this year: electricity, classification, light and the circulatory system.
Please ensure ALL kit, including shoes is clearly labelled!! PE PE will take place on Monday afternoon with an additional hour on Friday morning. We will be starting with hockey skills and tag rugby. Children need an indoor PE kit and an outdoor PE kit with trainers and tracksuit bottoms/jumper. Please ensure ALL kit, including shoes is clearly labelled!!
Homework Homework in Y6 will take a variety of forms. All pupils will receive a username and password for any online resources we use. This must be kept safe! Sometimes our homework will be set on these internet based sites and we can easily see when each piece of homework has been completed. Written homework must be neatly completed in the hard-backed homework books. Your child is expected to read daily for 15 minutes. Once a week, their diary should be signed by an adult – this will be monitored. A target of 80 pages a week has been set for this term.
Your child’s planner will be checked each week. Use of Planners Your child’s planner will be checked each week. Every time your child reads it must be recorded! Your child will record their homework in their planner. Each week your child will write their spelling pattern in their planner. Once a week, an adult must sign their child’s planner. Planners are not the best way to contact a teacher urgently – phone, e-mail or message via office.
Attainment Your child will be assessed and judgements made as to whether they are entering, developing or secure within their year group. Previously, the national average for a Y6 was a level 4b. Now, an equivalent child would be 6S (developing). Those children working significantly below their peers may be a 4 or 5 E, D or S.
SATs Week commencing Monday 11th May No longer levelled results. Instead there will be a standardised score given. A score of 100 will equate to an average ability child in Y6. Higher or lower scores will reflect higher or lower ability. Tests in Reading, Maths, GPS. Teacher assessment in Writing and Science unless our school is selected for science sampling.
Transition Deadline for high school applications- 31st October This year is important to prepare children for a very different school format and expectations. We will expect pupils to be more independent and well organised. Homework is expected to be completed to a high standard and handed in. Transition work will be completed after SATs, which high schools will want to see.