TESOL Methods: Principles & Practices Week 1 Survey, Group Profile Icebreaker, Course Intro, Syllabus & Reflective Paper #1 1
Housekeeping: Name Cards English Nickname: _________ Email address: ______________ Phone #: __________________ Your Picture Something about your self:_________ ______________________________ 2
Icebreaker: Group Profile We will ask questions to find out information about each other We will write summary statements to describe our group. 100%---------------------50%--------------------0% all of us about half of us a few of us most of us some of us none of us How many of us…..? 3
Group Profile: Your Turn In a groups, come up with additional questions that we can ask the group.
What do you want to know about me? I’ll give you several minutes to ask me some personal questions. Although one of my hobbies is lying, I promise not to lie…today
Syllabus & Assessment 6
Overview This course is designed to assist you in becoming more aware of and knowledgeable about various methods of language teaching so that you will be able to develop and reflect upon your teaching style and the teaching style of others. As you encounter, practice, and reflect upon these methods of language teaching, you will expand and hone your repertoire of teaching techniques and thus become a more effective teacher.
Assessment Attendance and Participation 10% Reflective Papers 20% Poster Presentation 30% Microteaching 30%
Attendance Attendance is mandatory. Participants who arrive to class 10 minutes or more after the start of class will be considered late. Participants who are late 3 times will receive 1 absence. Any participant who misses ¼ or more of all class meetings WILL receive an F in the course. More important than attendance is participation. I expect participants to be active in class discussions and to complete all oral and written assignments BY THE DUE DATE.
Reflective Papers You will write two reflective essays which synthesize your understanding of teaching, learning and the new methods that we will be investigating. Each paper is worth 10% of your final grade. If papers are not acceptable, I will ask participants to re-write.
Stating Your Beliefs & Attitudes Teaching is a decision making process The decisions you make in your classroom are based on your beliefs and attitudes about teaching, learning, students, etc… This paper begins the process of uncovering and articulating your beliefs and attitudes
Reflective Paper #1 Due week 2 (Mon. Sept. 13/Fri. Sept. 14) 1-2 pages (some answers will be longer than others, but a good paper is usually at least one page long with most paper being one and a half to two pages long There are no “correct” answers, so just try to honestly describe what you think, feel and believe
Note taking is a good idea!! Read and Discuss Take five minutes to read and think about each of the 8 questions In groups of three or four spend fifteen minutes discussing your thought and opinions about each question Note taking is a good idea!!
1. What is the teacher’s role in language learning 1. What is the teacher’s role in language learning? What are the students’ roles? 2. What are some important characteristics/traits of the teaching / learning process? 3. Describe what the interaction patterns should look like in a lesson plan, and why? 4. How should the feelings of students be dealt with? 5. What is language and how should it be viewed? 6. What is culture and how should it be viewed? 7. What kind of evaluation/assessment should be used and why? 8. How should student errors be handled?
Reading Homework for Next Week In the Larsen-Freeman book read: pages ix – xi (To the Teacher Educator), 1 – 11 (Introduction), 226 – 233 (Choosing among Language Teaching Methods)