Pathways through CECS Majors, from first Engineering class Vibhav Durgesh, Mechanical Engineering, CECS
Student pathways in CECS: Focus on high DUF rate classes COMP-110 CE-240 ECE-240 ME-209 MSE-227 Dependence of Major on performance in interdisciplinary classes Correlating the performance in prerequisite and high DUF classes Guiding Questions
Overview of Data Pathways data AY 2008 Major CS, CECM, ECE, MSEM, and ME Analyze high DUF rate classes in CECS Overview of Data
Strong correlation between performance in prerequisite and high DUF rate classes COMP-110 - Prerequisite MATH 150-A ME-209 - Prerequisite MATH 150-A CE-240 - Prerequisite PHY 220-A ECE-240 - Prerequisite PHY 220-B Students passing in high DUF rate classes and still dropping out of the program ECE 240 – 7% MSE-227 – 11% CE 240 – 15% COMP-110 – 24% ME 209 – 25% Findings
Concluding thoughts Mentoring students passing high DUF rate classes Preventing students from dropping out of the program Student majors and their performance in ECE-240 and CE-240 is not correlated Prerequisites are crucial for student success in high DUF rate classes Next steps for work on this topic Identify pathways for students passing high DUF rate classes and reasons for dropping out afterwards Mentoring approaches to improve success in high DUF classes to improve overall graduation rates Concluding thoughts