Preparation Hints Maman 12 THE CAT SAT ON THE TAM
This article is about dyslexia, a learning disability This article is about dyslexia, a learning disability. The article discusses the connection between dyslexia and hearing disabilities.
Read the title and the sentences under the title. Pre-reading: Read the title and the sentences under the title. This will tell you what the problem is (question 1), what is done to solve the problem (2) and the writers suggestion (3). Modals, words such as “should” and “might” indicate advice or a suggestion. The writer asks a question. You can expect the writer to answer the question in the text.
Close Reading Question 4 When a question asks why, answer “because” You need to find the cause or the reason. Read par. 1 about natural selection. Question 5 This is a contrast questions. Always give two sides. Always compare and contrast the same points. Look for markers of contrast such as “while” and “as” Look for the term “swb” (Munach) Then look for markers – of defination. (Milim Mitzaynot le Hagdara) () Close Reading. Question 3. You must locate the term “Subjective Well-Being” and look for markers of addition such as ….
An hypothesis is the assumption that a study is based on. Question 6 An hypothesis is the assumption that a study is based on. Par. 3 mentions Dr. Talla’s hypothesis. Look before this to see what the hypothesis refers to. Pars. 4-5 - Question 7 “Why” questions ask for reasons or causes. The main idea of a paragraph is always supported by details, explanations, examples, etc; The main idea may come before or after the examples. In this case, the big idea comes first. show you that it is new or it isn’t new. Make sure that you support what you have marked (explain)
Question 8. This is a comparison question. “similar”, “like” “the same as” indicate what is the same about two ideas or things. Read pars. 6-8. Question 9 This is a cause and effect question. The effect is what happened. The cause is why it happened. The cause may be written before or after the effect.
Question 10 To complete this chart you need to understand the elements of a research study. Look for the name Michael Merzenich in par. 6. The hypothesis is the theory he wants to test The method is how they do this. How did they test this idea? The word “by” comes before an action. The findings are the results of the experiment.
Question 11 Question 12a and b. This question asks about the cause The phrase “as a result” comes before the results. Therefore, you can understand that the cause is written before that phrase. Question 12a and b. This question asks about a purpose; a goal or an aim. Look for a verb to find the purpose Read both parts of the question (a and b) before you answer. Part b is dependent on part a. Question 13. Asks you, according to the text, which group of people feels happier and your are given two choice, married people and single people . First find the section (keta) that talks about the two groups. Write specific evidence to support your choice. Remember that evidence is something that is a fact; proven and it may involve numbers and statistics. Make sure that if you mark married people, your support matches that answer, etc; Question 14. You have to give 3 reasons. You have two things to look for that will help you. Markers of addition – Milim Mtzaynot lehosafa and words that show reasons. Question 15 – this is that difficult kind of question again. You are asked what a study illustrates (madgim)
Question 13 To find evidence, look for: Research Findings (numbers and statistics) Proven facts Read pars. 11-14. Question 14 -This question asks you to compare the ideas of Dr. Studdert with the ideas of the founders of “Fast ForWord”. Look for words that show agreement or disagreement such as “argues”, “different”, “nothing to do with” etc; Check your answer Support your answer with two of his claims (טענות) Make sure you support the answer you chose. Question 16 –You are asked what the prof, prof kirsch says we can do to increase our happiness. So, you want to include some of his suggestions – not your own. Question 17 – Siba Ve Totzaa. Look for markers of cause and results such as movile, etc;
Question 15 This question asks for the bigger idea – what do the facts illustrate מדגים? Remember the general or “bigger idea” may come before or after the facts. Look for markers of addition to identify two facts “also” and “moreover”. Question 16 This question again asks for a cause. In the text, the cause may be written before or after the effect or result. Look for markers of cause, such as “because” .
Post Reading -Question 17 This question asks what you think about the approach. Decide if you agree with the approach or not. Explain your answer by 1) referring to the text and 2) giving ideas or examples from your personal experience or knowledge. Make sure your explanation supports your answer. Make sure you use your own words.
Good Luck!!