Production of ade2Δ/ade2Δ mutants by the Candida CRISPR system. Production of ade2Δ/ade2Δ mutants by the Candida CRISPR system. An ADE2 gene deletion template containing the ARG4 cassette was transformed into BWP17 cells alone (A), along with the CaCAS9 vector pV1093 (B), or along with the CaCAS9-and-sgRNA vector pADE2-sgRNA (C) and plated on medium lacking arginine to select for Arg+ transformants. (D) A 1/10,000 dilution of the negative control (no transforming DNA control) was plated on nonselective YPD plates. Kyunghun Min et al. mSphere 2016; doi:10.1128/mSphere.00130-16