Healthcare Apprenticeship (what’s old is new again…) Montana Hospital Association Fall Convention Billings, Montana September 19, 2019
Apprenticeship Basics Registered apprenticeship training includes supervised on-the-job training through real work experience and subject area instruction (in the classroom or via distance learning). Requires a minimum of 2,000 hours on-the-job experience. Appropriate for new employees as well as supporting current employees while they learn new skill sets. Earn while you learn. Pay increase upon completion of program requirements.
Healthcare apprenticeships In Montana, first healthcare apprenticeships developed in 2016 through a Department of Labor grant (HealthCARE MT). Currently have created 330 spots (includes current participants and programs completers). About 50 employers including hospitals, long-term care, assisted living facilities. Started with CNAs, but currently offering broad range of programs, including Medical Assistant, Pharmacy Assistant, Medical Laboratory Technician, Long Term Care Administration, Medical Coder and Biller, and DNP. CNA still the most request apprenticeship. Driven by staffing needs of the community.
Benefits Coursework is often offered via distance delivery—no need to move out of home community. Tax credit may be available--$750/apprentice/year, double amount if veteran. Employer can train to meet specific needs. Appropriate for a new employee or to “upskill” an existing employee. Apprenticeship works well in rural and frontier communities. Credentials will be recognized nationally. Funding resources are available now through Department of Labor and AHIMA.
Resources Montana Registered Apprenticeships through the Department of Labor or 406-444-4100 Madeline Boehm, Healthcare Apprenticeship Program or 406-686-2945 Christine Williams, MT Health Network and NE MT AHEC or 406-234-1424 Cindra Stahl, MT Office of Rural Health and AHEC or 406-994-6499