1. Complete full application in ERCPN’s student platform. 2. Export and submit together with appendices on student portal before 10 p.m. Sunday, Jan 28th. 3. Attend lecture on Ethics (8:30 a.m. Monday, Jan 29th). 4. Revise full application in ERCPN’s student platform 5. Export and submit on student portal before 10 p.m. Sunday, Feb 4th. 6. Discuss subsequent steps with supervisor and implement. Is it a study using EEG, fMRI or NIBS? See ERCPN manual on ERCPN website to ascertain proocedure and implement. Is it a study that does not use EEG, fMRI or NIBS? Is the research new? (i.e. no previous ethics approval) Copy and paste full application into the formal ERCPN platform, entering only your supervisor’s name and address on the first page. Have your supervisor review and have your supervisor hit submit button on online full application form. Does the research fall under an existing research line? Take relevant content out of your draft full ethics application and put into single study form (download.doc). Have your supervisor review and submit the single study form. Is the research approved by an external ethics committee? Email a copy of the approved ethics form to ercpn-fpn@maastrichtuniversity.nl. with a cc to your supervisor. 7. Wait for ethics approval from ERCPN before collecting data. 8. Conduct research.