Behavior modification 7th Class Chaining, prompting, fading, extinction
Exercise Chaining - Shaping Feedback Poi 2 3
Exercise: Poi 2 Learn to do fancy things with Poi Time: 5 minutes
Chaining Reinforcement of successive elements of a behavior chain Behavior chain – sequence of related behaviors, each of which provides the cue for the next and the last produces s reinforcer E.g.tying shoes, going to school..
Types of chaining Forward chaining Backward chaining
antidisestablishmentarianism Now try reading this antidisestablishmentarianism
Rules for chaining Define the target behavior As a chain! – you must know in advance what sequence you will be dealing with Reinforce successive elements of the chain Monitor results
Application and implications Being a playboy Scripts (Social Psychology) Managing people Plan – Do – Check - Act Empowerment Development, coaching Grow – Goal, Reality, Options, Will Self management GTD - Getting things done
Business process improvement
GROW model
Exercise GROW 12
Exercise: GROW Instruction: Time: 5 minutes Form pairs Divide roles: coachee & coach Pick 1 issue you are currently working on Use GROW model to improve Time: 5 minutes
Prompting and fading Prompting Fading Providing antecedents that evoke a target behavior Fading Gradually reducing the strength of a prompt
Types of prompting Verbal Physical Gestural Modeling Environmental
Rules for prompting and fading Define the target behavior Identify the suitable prompts Prompt reinforce and fade Monitor results
Exercise Finding prompts 17
Exercise: Finding prompts Instruction: Form groups of 4-6 people Think of real life examples of prompts from for at least 2 different categories: Verbal Physical Gestural Modeling Environmental Time: 5 minutes + 5 discussion
Extinction Tool for decreasing frequency of behavior Withholding the reinforcers that maintain the behavior Showing sadness, hysterical explosions(tantrum), you dont love me anymore, blackmailing – if you dont do something, i will leave you, Crybabies – not paying attention, soothing when crying, reinforcing, when somethin happened but he was not crying (5 days). Colleague who travels with talkative women – what would they recommend to him?
Rules for extinction Define target behavior Identify reinforcers that maintain target behavior Withhold all reinforcement Monitor results
Exercise Talkative colleague 22
Eric Berne Transactional analysis Book: Games people play 3 ego states Parent Parent Adult Adult Sometimes we need quicker intervention – when somebody is really hurting somebody else, or destroying thigs – usually you will need to use punishment Child Child
Favourite games - examples Guess what is wrong with me? Yes, but.. Parent´s club How would you apply extinction in these cases?
Problems with extinction Behavior may produce reinforcement from number of sources It is slow and takes time Extinction burst – extinction leads often for a short period to sudden increase of behavior on extinction Sometimes we need quicker intervention – when somebody is really hurting somebody else, or destroying thigs – usually you will need to use punishment
Differential reinforcement Combines extinction and reinforcement to change the frequency of target behavior Procedure: Put the undesirable behavior on extinction Reinforce the desirable target behavior
Differential reinforcement types DRL Differential reinforcement of low rates DRA Differential reinforcement of alternative behavior DRI Differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior
[The end of the today's class] Discussion [The end of the today's class]