Talent@IOWA Survey Results
Survey Results from 12 T@Iowa Committees Phase I: Immigration FMLA IT Transition HR as Independent Org Payroll Phase II: Data Driven Decisions Benchmarking Talent Acquisition Phase III: Policy Benchmarking Compensation & Classification Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training and Onboarding
Neither Agree or Disagree Survey Questions The committee’s charge assisted in focusing the work of the committee. I was able to obtain adequate information to contribute to discussions and make recommendations. The committee provided an open environment in which I was able to share my views. UHR’s leadership support advanced the work of the committee. Time spent on the committee involvement was a good use of my time. 57 responses out of 121 members (47%) # of responses Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Q1 57 21 37% 13 23% 1 2% 2 4% Q2 56 23 41% 11 20% Q3 46 82% 4 7% 0% Q4 29 51% Q5 24 42% 10 18% 5 9% 57 responses out of 121 members responded (47%) The question that scored the highest (82%) was Q3: “The committee provided an open environment in which I was able to share my views". The question that scored the second highest (51%) was Q4: UHR leadership support advanced the work of the committee.
57 responses out of 121 members responded (47%) The question that scored the highest (82%) was Q3: “The committee provided an open environment in which I was able to share my views". The question that scored the second highest (51%) was Q4: UHR leadership support advanced the work of the committee.
"It strengthened the decentralized model with centralized oversight." Survey Comments "It strengthened the decentralized model with centralized oversight." "Feeling like I could make a positive impact." "Focus on the charge. Be thoughtful but move swiftly." "Working with a diverse group; brainstorming ideas." "Collaborating on a cross-campus team.” "Being able to participate in the initiative was beneficial to understanding what is changing and why.”