Immune response of CEA-transgenic mice transferred with OT-1 splenocytes and immunized with ovalbumin and adjuvant. Immune response of CEA-transgenic mice transferred with OT-1 splenocytes and immunized with ovalbumin and adjuvant. (A) Kinetics of the immune response to ova peptide followed by double-color fluorescence staining with anti-CD8 FITC and H-2Kb/ova tetramer-PE. As indicated by the arrow, tumor grafting was performed 19 days after immunization. Results are expressed as the percentage of specific H-2Kb/ova over total CD8 T cells. (B) Representative FACS dot blot at the peak of response 11 days after injection. Alena Donda et al. Cancer Immun 2003;3:11 Copyright © 2003 by Jean-Pierre Mach