Mrs. Vanderhave, Mrs. Zenoni and Ms. Lyman We are so happy you are here! Please find your child’s desk and complete the paperwork within the manila folder. All completed paperwork can be placed on my table in the designated basket. On the writing table, there is a coloring sheet and classroom scavenger hunt for the kids! We hope to see all parents tonight at 6:00 to go over all classroom information and to answer any questions you may have! Mrs. Vanderhave, Mrs. Zenoni and Ms. Lyman
Thank you for joining us tonight! Please feel free to sit wherever you feel comfortable! We will be covering important information and have the opportunity to ask and answer any questions you may have! Mrs. Vanderhave, Mrs. Zenoni & Ms. Lyman
Get Involved! There are many ways to be involved at Mt. Bethel and inside our classroom. There will be opportunities both at school and at home for you to help in our class. Please be on the look out for more information coming from our Room Mom on how to assist in the classroom!
Please support our Foundation during the Patron Drive Please support our Foundation during the Patron Drive! Your donation impacts every student every day!
What to bring: - All required Kindergarten school supplies - Zip pouch for communication folder (3 hole) - Extra pair of clothes for accidents (Please place in labeled Ziploc bag) - Healthy snack - Reusable water bottle, if desired (water only) Book bag Thank you in advance for checking out the class Wish List items! All donations are so appreciated
- It is very important that your child is at school on time every day. Getting to School - For the first 2 days of school, please place the name tag given out tonight on your child before school. - Children may come to the classroom after 7:15. Please encourage your child to walk to the classroom independently. There are helpers throughout the hallways to assist them along the way. - Your child will be marked as tardy after 7:45, and they must be signed in the office. The BUS is the BEST. - It is very important that your child is at school on time every day. *IMPORTANT: make sure your child knows how they go home each day! Reminders in the morning help!
Do not send transportation changes in the form of email. Dismissal - Dismissal begins at 2:05 It is very important that you send us a note when there is a change in your child's regular transportation. Do not send transportation changes in the form of email. If your child is riding the bus home with a friend, he/she MUST have the "Mt. Bethel Transportation Change and Student Bus Pass". - We will provide a end of day transportation slip based on the form of dismissal you provided us with for the first 2 days. Beginning on Monday, Aug. 5th, we will use the permanent transportation information.
- Place the notes in the zip pouch! Daily Folders - Your child will have a communication folder that travels between home and school. - Daily Folder includes completed class work, calendars (lunch, specials and behavior), play-based homework, reading log and notes. Use this folder to send notes and money to school. - Place the notes in the zip pouch!
Notes If your child is absent/tardy, please make sure that you send in the "Mt. Bethel Elementary Absence/Tardy Excuse" form. - Change of transportation (cannot accept via phone calls, texts or email). - It is helpful if we are notified of early pick-ups so we can have your child packed and ready to go.
Homework - Your child will have access to both math and reading online resources provided by The Mt. Bethel Foundation. This will be a great way for your child to practice skills taught at school. Your child's passwords will come home in the first few months of school. - I will also send home a monthly Play-Based homework calendar and STEM activities that are completely optional. These activities will assist in building your child's fine and gross motor skills, imaginative thinking skills and fostering creativity and critical thinking skills. Please feel free to send me any pictures of your child completing the activities. There is a tab on our class blog where I will post the pictures. -Sometimes children need a little more practice and reinforcement of concepts at home. At times, I may send home assignments specifically for your child as needed.
Behavior Management Individual- We use a token economy behavior management system. We encourage making good choices and showing good behavior. Students will earn stickers for individual charts. When they fill a row (5 stickers) they will get to choose a reward coupon! Negative behavior, however, will cause a student to pull a stick related to the broken classroom rule and will be reflected on their daily communication sheet. This helps students learn the cause and effect relationship between their actions. Class- As a group, the students have the opportunity to earn “brownie points” when they show positive behavior. When the class earns 10 brownie points, we vote on the classroom reward!
Snack -We will have snack every day in the morning. - Please send a labeled healthy snack with your child each day. - It is very helpful to have snack and lunch packed separately. Some parents may choose to use a reusable snack bag that is labeled. You may send in a labeled reusable water bottle for your child. Water only, please! PEANUT FREE CLASSROOM
Lunch - You may add money to your child's lunch account online or you may send in a check or cash in their red folder. (please place money in a white school envelope marked "lunch money"). - In October, Kindergarten students may begin buying ice cream on Fridays. If you would not like your child to use their account for ice cream, please send in a note. You may join your child for lunch after the first 2 weeks of school. - Please sign-in and meet us at the cafeteria doors. Sodas and fast food are not allowed in the lunch room. You may sit with your child on the stage. Please do not bring your child’s friends to dine with. - There is a designated table in the lunchroom for students with severe allergies. These students may pick a friend to sit with them.
Happy Birthday! - You may send a birthday treat with your child on or near his/her birthday that we can distribute during our classroom snack or lunch time. - If you send it during snack time please cut your treat beforehand. We do not have access to knives (cookies, donuts, and cupcakes are great!). - If you choose to celebrate at lunch, we ask that you are responsible for bringing the treat, distributing it and taking care of any leftovers/supplies. - Please only send birthday invitations for distribution if every child will receive one. - Summer birthday babies can celebrate either a half-birthday or end of the year.
Specials & Weekly Activities - Students will go to one of the following specials for 45 minutes a day: PE, Art, Music, or STEM Lab. Our specials time is from 11:30-12:15 each day. - Please make sure your child wears tennis shoes and appropriate play clothes on PE days. - Check your DAILY folder for the specials calendar. - In addition, our class will receive counseling every other week, and we will visit the Learning Commons once a week.
- End of the Year Celebration Special Events - Fall Festival - 100th Day of School - Book Character Day - STEM Days - Poetry Parade - Field Day - End of the Year Celebration
Reader’s, Writer’s, and Math Workshop Mini Lesson: Teacher will Introduce skill or practice past skills/strategies that students will use during their work time. Work Time/Conferences: Teacher works with students based on their needs while students practice skills for that lesson. Activities are differentiated based on the student’s needs. Share: Students are able to share how they were able to use that skill for that lesson.
Report Cards - Every 9 weeks, your child will receive a report card. The Kindergarten report card is a skills/standards based report card. -Instead of letter grades, we mark the students by the following criteria: (3) Meets Standards, (2) Progressing toward meeting standards, (1) Limited Progress or does not meet standard. - There are certain standards in which a child can achieve (3+) Exceeds Standards.
Mrs. Vanderhave’s Class Remind Please sign up if you have not done so already Option 1: Visit Option 2: Download the Remind app and use the class code: e66k88 Option 3: Text Message-
The First Day I'll give you a little wink and smile -Jamie Solley I'll give you a little wink and smile As you come in my room that day For I know how hard it is to leave And know your child must stay You've been with them for five years now And have been a loving guide But now, alas, the time has come To leave them at my side Just know that as you drive away Tears down your cheeks may flow I'll love them as I would my own And help them learn and grow So please put your mind at ease And cry those tears no more For I will love them and take them in When you leave them at my door.
Thank you for being here Thank you for being here! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me! I respond quickly to both emails and Remind! PLEASE E-MAIL ME SO I HAVE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION