4 stories of small
Based on my experiences in the last 10 years… 4 stories of small Based on my experiences in the last 10 years…
Prologue: Who we were
Small story #1: simple
Why simple? To connect with folks who worked at camp during the summer To connect with peers who had left the church or who were loosely connected To build Christian Community WITH our children
What was simple? Gatherings every other Sunday evening Rented space in a community center Teens hired to play with the kids Singing led by Darryl Neustaedter Barg Talk time led by guests or by folks from within the group Topics covered things people in the group were interested in: simplicity, peace, relationships, sharing our faith stories Snacks (of course!) provided by me and our family Sharing and prayer optional after snacks – (circle) All ages; 2 years old to seniors, averaging about 15-25 people
The end of simple Simple was active from Fall of 2011 to Spring of 2014 Our family was relocating and could not continue providing leadership The community had a final worship gathering and communion asking God’s blessing on all of us in as we went our separate ways and giving thanks for our three years together
The end of simple
Small story #2: Brunch Church
Why Brunch Church? Loss of connection with the local church, partly due to our 2 small and energetic kids, partly due to shifting theologies and life perspectives The discovery of others in a similar position, seeking Christian Community outside of formal church structures Grateful to find others in the same boat, we could do nothing else but continue to gather for Brunch Church!
What was Brunch Church? 4 or 5 families gathering for brunch and worship Sunday mornings We ate We sent the kids out to play Used the Book of Common Prayer by Shane Claiborne for guidance through scripture and prayer We supported each other through life transitions including deaths in the family, adoption, pursuit of education, and moving
The end of Brunch Church Brunch Church was active for about 2 years Our family moved away for a year Families from the group fanned out into other communities/churches We all agreed that Brunch Church was life-giving in a time when we needed our church family to be small and tight and easy
Small story #3: Simple Part 2
Why Simple Part 2? We were asked if we would restart simple. Couldn’t do that, but we wanted to continue to connect with this church family of ours!
What was Simple Part 2? We gathered at our house Every other Sunday for supper, sharing and prayer Our kids were 5 and 7 this year – they were part of the meals and the prayer times
The end of Simple Part 2 We moved again! (Is anyone surprised at this point? It’s a theme for us!) Our lovely simple family blessed us on our way. We are still friends with these people, following them through illness, job transitions, marriage and the beginning their own families. What a blessing!
Small story #4: This Ground
Why This Ground? This Ground grew out of: a desire to gather a Christian community in the holy space of Camp Assiniboia A desire to be a solid, tangible support to the staff who work at the camp year round by helping with the work A wish to meet God OUTSIDE, under the skies and trees, in the buzzing of bees and the dirt of the garden
What is This Ground? Every other Sunday afternoon at Camp Assiniboia A group of between 12 and 30 people (usually about 30-50% children) Work together at projects set by the camp staff Bringing in the harvest of the camp garden in Fall Gathering and splitting firewood Drywall patching Tearing down old buildings and cleaning up the site Raking leaves Worship together around the campfire (outdoors) Eat together (outside if the weather permits) We invite churches to send groups or individuals to come join us!
The end of This Ground – NOT YET! We’re not there yet! This Ground met about 10 times this past year, mostly in Fall and Spring We’re expecting the group will continue to gather at Camp Assiniboia in the coming Fall
Epilogue: Who we are now
Epilogue: Who we are now A pair of 40 somethings, just moved to an acreage in Southern Manitoba, newcomers to the world of raising chickens Still church dreamers and folks who love to meet God outdoors No longer exiled because of babies, but still folks who learn best by doing and still a wee bit restless. (We consider that a gift from God at this point.) We are currently part of a house church in Southern Manitoba (PF) and loving it. So are our kids. We worship in people’s homes, eat together and play outside. In summer our church family doesn’t rent space but meets in a public garden space in Morden. We bring our own lawnchairs and songbooks. Sometimes there’s no singing.
3 Learnings from 4 stories There are Christ Followers who long to work out their faith in real and authentic Community outside of formal church settings Church community doesn't need a building, permanence, "programs", or complicated structures in order to be full of the Spirit and to impact people's lives. Things can be good and still have an ending.
Confession Time: Sharing these stories here today makes me nervous
Discussion: Who came to mind when you heard these 4 stories?