Year 6- Golden Eagle Home Challenges Homework READING- Children are expected to read everyday. Please ensure these are returned daily with any letters/ notes inside. These will be checked daily. Children are expected to write in their reading record three times a week. Children have a list of activities I would like them to complete three times a week. They don’t have to do them all every week – children can pick which ones they would like to do. This will be checked and monitored. Please write in when you read with your child. Your child can also write in their record book themselves. SPELLINGS- These will go home termly. Spelling test will take place on a Friday. They will be based on the expected spelling list for Year 6 as well as spelling based on different spelling rules. The meaning of the words should also be learnt, as tests will involve the use of the word in a sentence. GRAMMAR – Will be set every Tuesday and needs to be returned by the following Monday. MATHS – Will be set every Tuesday and needs to be returned by the following Monday. Below are some homework challenges that are OPTIONAL. Children are not expected to complete these but can if they wish. Please send in any completed challenges to share! These are only ideas. The challenges are linked to our topic ‘World War 2.’ Make an air raid shelter / Anderson shelter. Think about which materials would be best to use. Write a poem about World War 2 – life of a child Create your own model tank or gas mask. Make your own WW2 word search. Draw and label a great airplane from WW2 e.g. British Super marine Spitfire Play a game of battleships!