Flying Competitions Being Ready
Competition Flying Reality Why Preparation is Important Rules and Regulations Technical Preparations Being Ready Real Life X
Why Prepare: Time and Mind Well Prepared Competition Day Relaxing breakfast thinking of the weather Rig, Water and Grid before briefing Mark maps and program the navigation kit Get into the zone, think through the task, check kit Launch, concentrate on the flying, go fast, no fields Climb 5 places over-all Relaxing evening with your mates in the bar
Why Prepare: Time and Mind Alternative reality Competition Day Fight hangover through breakfast Gliders blocking the trailer and cant rig in time Rush through briefing and then tow out Forgot the sandwich and one of the loggers is down Distracted all flight then find you turned KET not KES! Drop down 5 places over-all Evening fixing the loggers; ratty for next day
Getting the distractions out the way Glider and Trailer Rules and Regulations Technical Equipment Daily Routine Ready for the Flight Ready for the Retrieve Know how to not spoil your day Loggers, Airspace, Turn Points, Maps How to get ready How to keep cool!
Glider and Trailer Statistically you will need the trailer! Go round the tyres, brakes, lights, fittings Take it for a test drive and use the brakes! Fix what is not working right There is ALWAYS someone in the club to help! Definitely you WILL need the glider Airworthiness, insurance, instrumentation Check the trim with your flying weight and water Ensure all is well sealed and nice and tight Practice flying the glider! Be familiar with and confident with the equipment Get your crew familiar and confident! Avoid blown up wings, trailer rash, broken tow-out gear
Read the Rules Competition Rules: Deadly Dull! Key Things to Know Some Rules are more important than Others Know what can ruin your day! Don’t Forget Local Rules: sometimes more important than Comp rules Key Things to Know Launching, relights, radio frequencies Engine Run Procedure: when and where you can run Start Procedure: size of sector, start options, penalties Turn Point Zones: shape and size, Finish Procedure: safe and penalty free approaches Penalties: x-check to avoid getting them! Understanding Scoring (a bit!) What Makes a Contest Day Getting a good score from AAT days
Technology and Instruments Good Instruments that you are familiar with You really don’t need a £5000 panel 2 Wold Championships with B50 and PDA Get the Data up front Airspace files for your equipment, including local airspace Turn points don’t change much, but they do change! Then Practice, at home, on club days Set tasks properly on all navigation aids Practice updating the task and clearing loggers Play what-if you have a failure (battery, logger, instruments)
Competition Daily Routine On the Grid Get a routine worked out with your crew Attend carefully to rigging- lots of distractions Briefing Have all your kit ready, pens, rulers, compass, cloth, map Draw maps and tasks first Always stop and listen to the Met Ready for Launch Get the computers programmed Food, drink, maps, hat, glasses Pre-flight check list, mental, written, laminated; have one! Switch On, Tune In