Karen Frank Mays Fitchburg State University Understanding an RFP Karen Frank Mays Fitchburg State University Introductions
LEARNING OBJECTIVES What to know before you look for funding Find appropriate funding sources Understand various funding sources and mechanisms Interpret and respond to funding requests Learn to read an RFP for eligibility, requirements, recommendations, and criteria How to respond to an RFP KFM
Overview The Funding search What is an RFP Funding sources and mechanisms Federal agencies Where to find funding opportunities Agency specific mechanisms Narrative components, review criteria and process State and Local agencies Contracts vs Grants Foundations and private funders Guidelines and criteria
TYPES OF Solicitation MECHANISMS or what is an RFP? Request for Proposal (RFP) Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Notice Inviting Applications (NIA) Request for Application (RFA) Letter of Intent or Interest (LOI) Calls for proposals or applications Rolling Grant Applications, grant proposals Other funding mechanisms (NIH and NSF)
Before you seek funding Define your project Make sure there is a good rationale Know what resources you have and what you will need Talk to the Grant Center
Who does what Federal Agencies National Science Foundation Funding Opportunities https://www.nsf.gov/funding Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide https://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=papp National Institutes of Health https://grants.nih.gov/grants/grants_process.htm https://grants.nih.gov/grants/grants_process.htm
Federal Agencies (cont.) Grants.gov Agency websites
Private funding sources Foundations Types of foundations Finding foundation funding Foundation Center and other databases Foundation websites Colleagues and professional organization sponsors
How do funders accept applications? Specific call for proposals Proposal or solicitation announcement General statement that proposals meeting funder guidelines are accepted Firm deadline or rolling submission (get your application in prior to deadline) Some foundations do not accept unsolicited applications
Is the funding source a good fit? And how do you find out? Does their mission, area of interest and types of support match your project? Are you eligible for this funding mechanism? What are their guidelines? How many grants do they give out in a year? What is the average award amount? How competitive is the process? Who else do they fund? Note: The majority of grant proposals received by foundations are not a good match/do not qualify.
Understand the funding guidelines, scope and mission READ the solicitation carefully Talk with the program officer if possible Do the grant priorities fit within your program or research? What are the specific program requirements/limitations? Does the award amount match your program needs? Review context and expectations. RFP sections and points Tells you where to place emphasis in your proposal Scoring rubrics – Scoring criteria - Evaluation criteria Know how reviewers will score and/or evaluate your proposal Formatting requirement, page limits, attachments AAW/KFM
NSF US Department of education Federal funding Grant opportunity synopsis Grants.gov OSERS – NIA review US DEPT of Ed comparison NSF Funding opportunities page PAPPG Grants.gov Review OII History
OSERS – NIA review Eligibility check Reality check number of grants and amounts due date Reporting requirements Capacity to conduct research or execute project Review of RFP priority Purpose of the RFP or priority (funders goals) Review criteria Sections of grant and point value Review OSERS Compare OSERS & NPD
Narrative response General Components of a Programmatic Grant Proposal Statement of Need/Significance/Problem Statement Project Design & Methodology Goals, Objectives, Outcomes Evaluation Dissemination Qualifications/Key Personnel References Cited Budget Appendix/Attachments Formatting the response Page B-24 for OSERS RFP to outline
Private funders Foundation websites Background, Mission and Goals Guidelines Who they fund How much they give What is the due date What are the proposal requirements What are the reporting requirements https://www.spencer.org/
Priorities and mission Funders purpose in requesting application Mission Goals
Spencer foundation Eligibility check Reality check Preparation RFP to outline
Special Projects grants Approaching the sections Review criteria
Funding Resources The Foundation Center - Guide to funding research (free online course) http://foundationcenter.org/getstarted/tutorials/gfr/ The Non Profit Times - Grants resource http://www.thenonprofittimes.com/grants/ The Giving Common https://www.givingcommon.org/nonprofits/ U.S. Government www.Grants.gov Associated Grantmakers (AGM) http://www.agmconnect.org/