South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System


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Presentation transcript:

South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System The ICS and the AHP Council: our opportunities 12 April 2019 Suzanne Bolam SYB ICS AHP Council Lead Head of Therapies Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS FT @suzanne_bolam @SYBhealthcare

What is an Integrated Care System?

Our ambition

System overarching objectives

System priorities

Ways of working All partners have been involved in shaping the evolving ways of working and a new set of arrangements are proposed All partners will come together in the Health and Care Partnership Board The System Health Oversight Board, which includes Chairs from across the system, will meet quarterly to oversee performance, delivery and assurance The Health Executive Group, a smaller working group of representatives of health organisations from the Partnership Board, will meet every month to drive delivery of SYB priorities The System Health and Care Management Team has the responsibility for the day to day delivery of the ICS objectives as agreed by the system. This is all in context of our system governance and ways of working including existing statutory architecture and organisations and place working

Next steps In partnership with patients, staff, local councils and others, we will develop our response to the NHS Long Term Plan We will review our priorities, based on our Long Term Plan conversations However, there are some themes from the Plan that our stakeholders have already identified as priorities for our ICS. These are workforce, digital and innovation We will start our new interim governance arrangements, which will be in place until April 2020.

The role of AHPs AHPs have a unique opportunity to help us achieve our goals, especially at a neighbourhood level. I am heartened by the work already in place by the AHP Council – particularly around some of the workforce challenges as I believe this is where AHPs can bring real benefits. Our AHP Council members have been nominated by each of our chief executives and I am grateful to all members for their time and commitment. Sir Andrew Cash, chief executive, South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Integrated Care System

Mar 20

As an AHP Council, we: Raise the profile of the AHP workforce to maximise their contribution to transforming health and care services Provide a hub of AHP expertise and advice Are developing an AHP workforce development programme and plan

Linking AHPs across the system ICS Place Organisation or neighbourhood = AHP Council = AHP Partnership = AHP Forum

System leadership … “……demands leadership across organisations and working with others – not just at the level of chief executives or clinical leaders, but within and throughout organisations……” Nick Timmins Kings Fund

The new NHS leadership task Leading through organising services around individuals Integrating Health and Care services Leadership at neighbourhood level Leadership for new workforce models Leadership and promotion of mental health Long term planning

YH support and help Mike Curtis, Regional Director HEE  North East  and Yorkshire Your local HEE lead within SYB, HCV, WY David Marsden, Allied Health Professions Workforce Lead and Programme Manager, Clinical Advisory Team, Health Education England working on programmes across the North Yorkshire and Humbert AHP Forum National AHP team and Professional bodies AHP Strategic Leaders platform Social Media System level professional groups or networks STP or ICS leaders Accountable Care Partnerships , Place and Neighbourhood leaders AHP and physio colleagues - sharing & collaboration

Reflection and learning Get involved - the next steps in delivering Health and Care are not all worked out and everyone must contribute Articulate AHP / Physio offer - key points and how we can help Find the people driving the changes - they need your help Offer solutions to workforce challenges – top priority Be positive - it is hard for everyone Ask for help - NHSE; NHSI; HEE ; ICS; CEO’s ; AHP platform Be brave - we all know more than we think There is a massive opportunity for AHPs – let’s step up and take it!

Thank you Suzanne Bolam SYB ICS AHP Council Lead Head of Therapies Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS FT @suzanne_bolam @SYBhealthcare