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NCC Services WG RIPE74
Agenda Administrative Matters (5 minutes) Welcome Select a scribe Finalise agenda Approve minutes from RIPE74 RIPE NCC Update, Axel Pawlik RIPE NCC (20 minutes) RIPE NCC Community Projects Fund, Alastair Strachan, RIPE NCC (15 mins) GDPR Implementation at the RIPE NCC, Maria Stafyla RIPE NCC (20 mins) RIPE NCC Arbitration Procedures, Keith Mitchell, RIPE NCC Arbiter (15 mins) The IANA Review Committee - Are We Getting What We Need from the PTI, Nurani Nimpuno, Asteroid (10 min) Open Microphone Session (5 mins) Any other business
Administrative Matters (5 minutes) Welcome Select a scribe Finalise agenda Approve minutes from RIPE74