WELCOME to NT101C-03: A Survey of the New Testament “There is no heavier burden than a great potential!” WELCOME to NT101C-03: A Survey of the New Testament CHAPTER 2: Intertestamental and New Testament Historical Background “The Middle East in the Days of Jesus” (pp. 21ff.)
Ancient Empires and Daniel 2:31-45, 7:1ff. & 8:3ff.
1 – Political, Cultural & Religious Antecedents Before the Greek Period The united Israelite monarchy under Saul, David and Solomon was divided into the Northern Kingdom–Samaria and Southern Kingdom–Jerusalem. 1 – Political, Cultural & Religious Antecedents Samaria was taken by Assyria in 721/2 BC Jerusalem fell to Babylon in 586/7 BC Persia took the power and allowed the exiled Jews to return to their native land. Alexander’s Greece defeated the Persians.
Empire of Alexander the Great from Macedonia in the west to India in the east
1 – Political, Cultural & Religious Antecedents The Greek Period Alexander the Great and His Conquests Hellenization policy brought the language and culture of the Greeks to the colonized then known world. Greek and oriental cultures mixed to produce a Hellenistic culture. The universal language became Greek which has supplanted Aramaic. 1 – Political, Cultural & Religious Antecedents
Palestine became the battle ground for the Ptolemies against the Seleucids so that the Jews were always affected by wars.
1 – Political, Cultural & Religious Antecedents The Greek Period after Alexander the Great Diadochi – successors of Alexander the Great Ptolemies of Egypt vs Seleucids of Syria Hebrew Bible to Greek Septuagint (LXX) 1 – Political, Cultural & Religious Antecedents Diplomatic Defeat and Romans in the East Persecution by Antiochus IV Epiphanes Mattathias and Sons Fought the Seleucids
Coin of Antiochus Epiphanes
Greek God Dionysius - an enforced processional marching in his honor became part of the program of Hellenization by Antiochus IV Epiphanes (The Jews abhorred this pagan practice as well as the other things done by the Seleucids to defile the temple in Jerusalem.)
1 – Political, Cultural & Religious Antecedents The Maccabean Period Rise of the Maccabees (Hasmonean Dynasty) Revolt Mattathias Judas Jonathan Simon 1 – Political, Cultural & Religious Antecedents Independence under Simon made him and his heirs to rule in perpetuity.
1 – Political, Cultural & Religious Antecedents The Roman Period Rise of Rome/Pompey in Jerusalem Roman Administration/Pax Romana Roman Emperors/Herodian Dynasty Caesar Augustus 1 – Political, Cultural & Religious Antecedents The Roman Empire
1 – Political, Cultural & Religious Antecedents New Testament Times During Roman Period Herod the Great (an Idumean) who rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem and his father Antipater were puppets of Rome. Herodian Rulers: Archelaus, Antipas and Philip; then later on Agrippa I and Agrippa II 1 – Political, Cultural & Religious Antecedents Roman Governors and Jewish Revolts From the First Jewish War (fall of the temple in AD 70) to the Second (defeat of Bar Kokhba in AD 135) Search for the Messiah