18 November 2019 Title – Paper 2 Fix-It! Here is a spot the difference. 1. Write three clear and to the point sentences that say what is in both pictures. 2. Write three clear and to the point sentences that say what is in picture one but not in picture two. Which question is this? How do you know?
Here is a spot the difference. Write three clear, and to the point sentences, that say what is in both pictures. 2. Then, write three clear and to the point sentences that say what is in picture one but not in picture two.
7a) The two texts show the points of view of two people with a busy family life. What similarities do you notice in the way the writers describe family life?
10 minutes
How could these examples help us?
Copy and paste…? Your turn… Point… Text 1 Text 2 Both describe family life as… Both also describe family life as… Equally family life is described as…
b) Compare how the writers of Text 1 and Text 2 present their ideas and perspectives about moving to a new home.
20 minutes… 5 minute plan 15 minute write!
I know it’s another one…but…? Does it help? Attitudes/perspectives Language Ideas Structure Themes
Then … use ALIST ( think of the mark scheme!) As you did for the spot the difference image write three or four sentences to give an overview of ideas and perspectives. Then … use ALIST ( think of the mark scheme!) Point Text 1 sim/diff Text 2 sim/diff Attitudes/Perspectives Language Ideas Structure Theme Tip: Remember, like with the pictures, you need to focus in on parts of the text that are in the same area. So, you could be looking at the narrative perspective, or you could be looking at the tone of voice, or the use of facts – and how these are used the same or differently. What is the effect?
What next…? Top Tip! Link to ALIST throughout! 2. Following on from your overview you should find a short quotation from Text 1 and explain how this specific example is used. 3. You should then insert a comparative connective. However, similarly, on the other hand, conversely, equally. 4. From this you should then insert a quotation from Text 2 and explain how this specific example compares to the first making sure to answer the question! 5. Repeat steps 2-4 for each example! Top Tip! Link to ALIST throughout!
Every time you have used ALIST… Every time you have used a quote… Every time you have linked to the question…deep thoughts! Every time you have made a comparison using a connective… You should have all four in each paragraph!