“Famous Fasters” Moses Samuel David Elijah & Jeremiah Ezra & Nehemiah Esther People of Nineveh Daniel & Friends Jesus Early Church
Benefits of Fasting: “Bonds” and “Yokes” Broken Off by God Godly Wisdom and Insight for Problems or for Opportunities Chance to “share your bread” with the hungry and needy
Benefits of Fasting: Physical “Spring Cleaning” 5. God will Provide for and Protect You “Wastelands” can become “Gardens”
Reasons To Fast: Facing a Huge Change or Task Facing Physical Danger or Surgery Facing Demonic Attacks/Oppression
Reasons To Fast: 4. If Appalled at Sins of our Nation 5. If Desiring Growth in Church 6. If Interceding for Good for Others
Fasting Helps: Gather with Others for Support Remove Self from Daily “Distractions” Withdraw Self from Tempting Situations or Relationships
Fasting Helps: 4. Repent of Sins as God Reveals Them 5. Spend Extra Time in God’s Word WORSHIP!!! - Public & Private