Staff Teachers – Miss.Finnegan (4F) and Mr. Chalmers (4C) Teaching Assistants – Mrs Wilkinson (4F) and Mrs. Clews (4C) Head Teacher – Mrs. Loftus Deputy Head – Mrs. Evans Assistant Head Teacher –Mrs. Walsh Pastoral Care Manager– Mrs. Grier Inclusion Manager- Mrs Rawnsley Office Staff - Mrs. Hall/Miss. Johnston/Mrs. Latham
School Times 8:00 – Early bird club starts- children must be booked in. 8:30 – School gates open. Please stay with your child until the doors open. 8:45 – Doors open. 8:55 – Registration. (Children must be on time for school.) 10:45 – Playtime. 12:30 – Lunch time. (Year 4 go second.) 3:05 – End of school day.
Attendance - Aim for 100%. Punctuality – Must be in school by 8:45am If there are any issues with attendance or punctuality then Mrs Grier will make contact. Our education and welfare officer will speak with you should your child have poor attendance or punctuality. Holidays are not authorised. You may be fined. Medical- Mrs Walsh can offer advice on medical plans. Lunch Times – Please help us to promote healthy lunches. Snacks – Please send a healthy snack to school. No sweets or crisps. Please be aware of nut allergies throughout the school.
Reading Reading Books –All children should be reading at home every night. They will have a home reading book. Children will also have a reading record to be signed. This is part of their homework. Children will be rewarded for their home reading with special incentives in class. Reciprocal Reading – Your child will read each week with their teacher and at least once a week with their TA.
Children will bring their homework book home each Monday and it should be returned every Friday with the homework completed. Each week will consist of the following activities: -Reading, Times tables, Spellings , Handwriting and some Comprehension/SPaG activities when appropriate.
The Curriculum Please look on the school website under ‘Curriculum’. Here you will find out what your child will be learning each term. A Summary Science- Electricity, Sound, States of Matter, Animals and Living Things. DT- Moving Vehicles, Torches, Food. Art- Insects, British Art and Fruits & Vegetables. History- Victorians, Anglo Saxons and Scots. Geography- Natural Disasters, Famous Rivers and the City of London. Music- Performance of ‘Any old iron’, Christmas Service, Glockenspiels, Mixed Instruments and whole school performance. Mandarin- Pets, Friends and Body Parts. P.E-Hockey, Basketball, Football, Tag Rugby, Gymnastics and Athletics. (Dance and Swimming.) Computing- Computer Science, Control, Programming, Graphics etc. Come and See- People/Called, Judaism/Gift, Community and Giving and Receiving, Self-discipline, New Life and Building Bridges and Islam and God’s people.
Alternative half terms. Reminder P.E.- Mondays. Dance-Fridays. (PE Kits should be in school all week. Swimming – Wednesdays Alternative half terms. Please ensure that uniform, PE kits and swimming kits are clearly labelled with your child's name.
Trips and Visitors CHET. Quarry Bank Mill. Chester- River Dee. Art Gallery Journey around our City. Otterspool Activity Centre.
Behaviour School Wide Sanctions In the event of children not adhering to the code of conduct, the following sanctions will be applied using adult discretion based on the seriousness of the behaviour. Stage 1 - Non-verbal warning e.g. frown, stern look, and silence Stage 2 - Verbal warning Stage 3 - Child’s name written on board Stage 4 - Cross put beside child’s name ( 5 or 10 minute loss of playtime) Stage 5 - Another cross by child’s name (loss of playtime) Stage 6 - Child will be sent to a named class for ‘time-out’ Stage 7 - Child referred to team leader (Reception, Years 1 and 2 Mrs Walsh, Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 Mr Brooks). Stage 8 - Parents/ Carers contacted/ invited in to school to discuss child’s Behaviour Stage 9 - In the case of regular misbehaviour it will be necessary to consider
Year 4 Rewards Dojos Extra Playtime Stickers Postcards home Table Points
For up to date information please look at our school website For up to date information please look at our school website. Please feel free to contact the office with any queries or speak to the class teacher at the end of the school day.