Vocabulary: F451 L.12.6: I can use domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading college and career readiness level. With your vocabulary cluster handout, write the WORD, PART OF SPEECH, and DEFINITION. Then come up with a sentence for each of the vocabulary words using a context clue. Share an example sentence for each word with the class.
Vocabulary: F451 L.12.6: I can use domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading college and career readiness level. 3 Stolid (adj)—having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily excited 4 Flue (noun)—a pipe or tube for conveying hot air, gas, steam, or smoke from a furnace or fireplace 11 Marionette (noun)—a jointed puppet manipulated from above by strings attached to its limbs 11 Mausoleum (noun)—a large stately building housing several above ground tombs 11 Refracted (verb)—to deflect light from a straight path 12 Tallow (noun)—hard fat used to make candles; waxy 12 Tamped (verb)—packed down tightly 17 Distill (verb)—to separate or extract the essential elements from something