Why is government necessary? What types of things do governments provide/do? 3) Where do governments get their power from? 4) What are the different types of government?
1) Define democracy in your own words 1) Define democracy in your own words. 2) What are the advantages, disadvantages and challenges of democracy?
Types of Government
II. Democratic v. Autocratic In a democracy people control the government either directly or through elected representatives.
II. Democratic v. Autocratic In a democracy people control the government either directly or through elected representatives. In Autocratic governments one person or a few people have all the power.
Criteria for Democracy Equality in voting Effective Participation Enlightened Understanding Citizen control of the Agenda Inclusion
Discussion Questions 3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of autocracy? 4) How do you think autocrats keep their power? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZU9jKX0mX4s 10:40, 25:08, 1 hour
II. Types of Democratic Governments Direct democracy- People directly vote on everything. Representative or Republic- People vote for representatives to make decisions for them.
III. Autocratic governments Monarchy 1. Government is ran by a ruling family headed by a King or Queen. 2. Royal Family may or may not share power with an elected body.
B. Dictatorship 1. Rule by One Person.
C. Oligarchy 1. Rule by the few
D. Junta 1.Military Rule
IV. Theocracy Religious rule B. No separation between church and state. C. May have democratic and/or autocratic features. D. 1st Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits theocratic rule.