Update on CACHE Educational Activities Michael A. Henson CACHE President Department of Chemical Engineering University of Massachusetts Amherst
The CACHE Corporation Not-for-profit organization founded in 1969 as a facilitator of new initiatives in chemical engineering education. Activities are directed by an elected Board of Trustees drawn from academia and industry. Talent is assembled from across the community into “task forces” that are charged to grow and advance computation in chemical engineering education. Task forces develop, update and review educational tools and materials for distribution to the ChE community. Celebrating our 50th anniversary in 2019.
Overview of Activities Organize and run conferences Sponsor education awards Facilitate advertising of faculty openings Develop and maintain Polymath software Develop educational modules Assemble teaching resources Develop curricular assessment tools
Conferences Run conference series 2018 conferences Process design (FOCAPD) Process operations (FOCAPO) Process control (CPC) Molecular modeling (FOMMS) Systems biology (FOSBE) 2018 conferences PSE, July 1-5, San Diego FOMMS, July 15-20, Delavan, WI FOSBE, August 5-8, Chicago
Awards CACHE Award for Excellence in Computing in Chemical Engineering Education Recognizes significant contributions in the development of computer aids for chemical engineering education Deadline: January 15th (each year) David Himmelblau Award for Innovations in Computer-Based Chemical Engineering Education Recognizes new and novel contributions to computer aids for chemical engineering education. Deadline: April 15 (each year) Lawrence B. Evans Award in Chemical Engineering Practice Recognizes substantial lifetime achievement in one or more aspects of industrial chemical engineering practice. Deadline: February 15 (each year)
CACHET Capabilities Free to CACHE member departments Current Listings Posting of faculty openings Posting of biographical information by candidates Free to CACHE member departments Current Listings 33 faculty ads 65 candidate bios
Polymath Offered at discount rate to CACHE member departments. New PolyMathLite app is available for Android phones, tablets and computers from Google Play.
Educational Modules 20 Etomica molecular simulation modules 11 sustainable manufacturing modules 3 biological engineering modules Signal transduction pathway model Model for diabetes treatment Yeast flux model Presented ~10 workshops at the ASEE summer school
Teaching Resources Center Teaching resources for faculty are organized by courses. Completely redesigned in 2017. Resources include syllabi, schedules, computer-aided tools, interactive simulations, screencasts, concept questions, textbook information and useful links.
Thermodynamics Page
Curricular Assessment Tool: Overview Multifunctional web-based, database-driven tool for setting program goals and managing assessment activities Built from a system developed at the University at Buffalo Features Specify Student Outcomes, Performance Indicators, course and faculty info Assign tasks and collect performance data via web interface Analyze inputs against targeted outcomes, generate reports Suitable for use School-wide
Curricular Assessment Tool: Status All key features are in place, currently being used at University at Buffalo Seeking other institutions to serve as beta-testers Some issues: Implementation as Distributed (better control, integration with institution databases) versus Server (easier maintenance) Compatibility with diverse institutions Use by entire school vs. department Paying for maintenance and support Legal matters
Curricular Assessment Tool: Screen shots
Participating in CACHE Non-Trustees participate through the task forces Conferences Educational modules ABET resources Other activities Process design Data analytics (new) Contact information Mike Henson, President, mhenson@umass.edu Task forces chairs, cache.org/headquarters#cache-committees-and-task