Research, 2016, Vol. 4, No. 6, doi: /jfnr-4-6-2


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Presentation transcript:

Research, 2016, Vol. 4, No. 6, 349-354. doi:10.12691/jfnr-4-6-2 Table 2. Sugar concentrations of the examined beverage samples (g/100 ml) Beverage Fructose Glucose Sucrose Lactose Sucralose Total Sugar Peach Juice Max 6.72 4.23 21.12 nd* nd 24.21 Min 1.07 0.96 3.69 12.19 Mean 2.69 2.05 10.91 15.65 Cherry Juice 11.18 12.00 0.21 23.20 3.28 2.52 0.02 5.89 6.73 5.85 0.13 12.71 Apricot Juice 4.22 2.51 18.40 21.30 0.80 0.83 7.16 10.20 1.74 1.43 11.67 14.84 Mixed Fruit Juice 12.06 2.35 6.70 0.01 13.01 2.49 1.48 8.20 5.11 1.60 4.57 11.29 Lemonade 1.35 1.20 12.43 14.79 1.10 0.98 11.49 13.72 1.21 1.14 11.94 14.29 Soda 11.06 16.17 2.09 16.94 5.63 3.67 0.60 11.02 6.19 5.95 0.69 12.84 Mineral Water 7.10 5.06 11.60 0.34 13.26 1.66 0.52 8.35 4.92 3.34 3.99 0.07 8.88 Cola 13.70 4.60 5.37 0.92 3.43 2.12 6.29 7.65 1.61 1.50 10.76 Chocolate Milk 11.05 1.11 0.04 12.20 8.55 0.86 0.03 9.44 9.69 1.02 10.75 Banana Milk 11.01 1.86 12.87 10.15 1.71 11.86 10.57 1.78 12.35 Strawberry Milk 12.14 1.22 13.40 0.97 10.69 10.89 1.08 12.01 Ice tea 8.14 2.30 11.45 7.36 0.76 10.34 7.73 0.87 2.17 10.79 *nd = not detected Şana SUNGUR et al. Determination of Sugar Profiles of Sweetened Foods and Beverages. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 2016, Vol. 4, No. 6, 349-354. doi:10.12691/jfnr-4-6-2 © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Science and Education Publishing.