Designated Delegate Manager Flowchart What is a DDM? An individual within an organisation who is responsible for booking multiple people on training Designated Delegate Manager (DDM) makes account at DDM to email to acquire DDM status. PSCP will ensure DDM status is agreed to enable booking others. As a delegate manager, you are acting as a central booker. You will need to ensure each individual participant has an account – their email address and password Please note participants must complete the pre evaluation to receive course information. Course information will be sent directly to their email address. Certificates will only be issued once the participant has completed the post course evaluation. When DDM status is in place you will have an extra tab at the top of your page named ‘manage delegates’. Here you can add your colleagues and act as a ‘central booker’ for your organisation The DDM can book multiple people onto courses. The DDM must communicate to individual members of staff their personal log in and password. The course participant will need to log in and complete the pre evaluation prior to the course date. Only then, will the participant receive course information such as venue, timings etc… Following the training course individual participants will need to log in and complete the post course evaluation form. Once this is completed they will receive the post course material and certificate