siRNA screen validation. siRNA screen validation. A, schematic representation of the screen format. B, screening conditions were optimized using PTEN and p27 siRNA as positive controls. Both PTEN and p27 siRNA cause increased proliferation in the presence of trastuzumab. C, Z-scores of individual siRNA oligonucleotides from human kinases (left) and phosphatases (right). Z-scores above 1.5 (red line, 1.5 standard deviations above the plate mean) were considered hits. p27 (blue triangles) and PTEN (yellow squares) were both in the library and all 4 oligonucleotides targeting each gene are marked on the graph. Si Tuen Lee-Hoeflich et al. Cancer Discovery 2011;1:326-337 ©2011 by American Association for Cancer Research