Fort George G. Meade “MEADE 101”


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Presentation transcript:

Fort George G. Meade “MEADE 101” COL Thomas Rickard

Fort George G. Meade Installation Overview Installation Data $86.8M Annual BASOPS (FY17) $2.8B Plant Replacement Value (PRV) 1,784 bldgs. @ 15.4M SF 5,067 acres 126 acre Training Area 8 NSA ranges 5 USAG Gates (Daily Throughput 37,238) 54,491 Workforce Population, 14,358 Joint Service Military (4,614 total Active Army/2,107 Army Reserve) 59 Installation Support Agreements, $22.1M Total Annual Reimbursable 5,217 AA County Schools daily population 901 Enlisted UPH Barracks Spaces (96% fill) 578 Training Barracks Spaces (57% fill) 2,627 AFH units (Corvias) 816 beds Privatized Apartments (Reece Crossings) 8 CDC/CYSS Facilities 1 Fitness Center, 1 Temp Fitness Center 3 Chapels 1 DFAC 1 Training Center 1 Lodging Facility (IHG) Local Impact Largest Employer in Maryland Economic Impact: $26.1B 144,377 direct/indirect jobs Annual Compensation est $13.5B Facility Space Deficits (ACSIM Essential Facility Rqmts, dtd Jul17) -1,758 Enlisted UPH Spaces -428 Training Barracks Spaces -145,015 SF Fitness Center -85,983 SF Child Dev Ctr Fort Meade 119 Tenant Units/26 General Officers: U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) National Security Agency (NSA) Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) JFHQ-DoDIN Marine Forces Cyber Command (MARFORCYBER) Fleet CYBER Command (FLTCYBER) Navy Cryptologic Warfare Group (CWG) 6 70th ISR Wing (AF) 6 INSCOM Brigades Asymmetric Warfare Group (AWG) DoD Consolidated Adjudications Facility (DoD CAF) National Background Investigations Bureau (NBIB) ARNG/USAR CHANGE: Training Barracks Spaces occupancy percentage dropped from 85% (NOV 17) to 57% (JAN). Drop is attributed to Christmas break and occupancy is expected to rise again when students return. CHANGE: Removed the following “Installation Data” bullet due to updated figures and new BAH costs requiring recalculations – “appx 2,500 Enlisted with BAH, est $56M annual cost”. Bullet was listed between Training Barracks Spaces and AFH units. CHANGE: Increase from 118 orgs to 119 organizations. Replaced “(USCC)” with “(USCYBERCOM)”. Also revised naming and acronyms listed for FLTCYBER and MARFORCYBER – in accordance with USCYBERCOM site ( - A brief overview of our location and composition….land was purchased in 1917 to support deployment of troops to WWI…..briefly renamed Fort Leonard Wood in 1928, but that made some PA congressmen upset, and the post returned to being Fort George G. Meade in 1929. ………15.4M square feet of building space…..and growing….. - We are in a prime geographical location, roughly equidistant from Washington D.C., Baltimore, and Maryland’s state capitol. We are in Anne Arundel county, whose school system runs seven schools from pre-K through high school on post. - Fort Meade is home to 118 organizations, including US CYBERCMD, NSA, our hosts today- Defense Media Activity, and many others depicted on the right side of this chart. - For an Army installation, we are the most joint, “non-joint” installation you’ll find, including interagency tenants from DoD and the Environmental Protection Agency Legend: JFHQ-DoDIN = Joint Force Headquarters - DoD Information Networks INSCOM = Intelligence and Security Command MARFORCYBER = US Marine Corps Cyberspace ISRW = Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Wing DoD CAF = DoD Central Adjudication Facility

Other Eligible Patrons Background - Fort Meade Population Other Eligible Patrons TOTAL Active (not on post) 776 Active Dependents 20,355 Reserve Component 1,952 Reserve Dependents 3,654 Retirees 14,767 Retiree Dependents 47,936 DoD Civilians 685 DoD Civilian Dependents 372 90,497 Total ASIP Population 54,491 Joint and Agency 45,263 83% CHANGE – Removed Army specific population break out pie chart. Army numbers and this slide will be updated once current figures are provided. Limited to 40 mile radius eligible for services from Fort Meade As of 29 September 2016 ASIP Common Operating Picture Report, data locked 14 November 2017 Total supported population = 144,988

FY18-24 Stationing Actions Total Projected Growth of ~2,991 personnel Background – Cyber-Related Growth FY18-24 Stationing Actions Total Projected Growth of ~2,991 personnel DOCUMENTED Growth, with Stationing Package U.S. Air Force Cyber Command Intelligence and Security Command U.S. Marine Corps Cyber Command Defense Cyber Crime Center Joint Spectrum Center, Defense Information Systems Agency PROJECTED Growth, pending Stationing Package Defense Security Services 16th Intel Squadron, Air Force Reserve Command Navy Fleet Cyber Command / Cryptologic Warfare Group 6 DoD Consolidated Adjudications Facility Defense Information Systems Agency In addition, 7,200 employees from regional leased facilities will change duty location to main post between 2018 – 2028 (currently included in the NSA’s ASIP population) CHANGE: Total projected growth previously listed as 1,891. Based on Defense Security Services projected growth of 1,100, total figure revised to 2,991 CHANGE: Slide previously sub-titled, “FY18-28” – revised to “FY18-24” in alignment with Cyber Growth slide which cites FY18-24. NOTE: Projected growth numbers are subject to change.

OTHER KEY SUPPORT FACILITIES Background - Meade Facilities HOUSING Troop Barracks (E1-E5 Permanent Party) 901 rooms Family Housing 2,627 homes Candlewood Suites (Privatized Army Lodging-PAL) 243 rooms Reece Crossings Garden Apartments (Privatized Apartments) 432 units / 816 beds OTHER KEY SUPPORT FACILITIES Child, Youth & School Services (CYSS) Five Child Development Ctrs, Teen Ctr, Youth Ctr, School Age Service Ctr 8 facilities On Post Schools (Anne Arundel County Public Schools) 7 schools One HS, Two MS, Three ES, One Pre K / Kindergarten School 6,017 Students/Faculty Access Control Points 6/2/1 Network Enterprise Center (NEC) 1 Water/Waste Water Treatment Facility (American Water) 1/1 Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center (KACC) McGill Training Center Dining Facility Post Exchange Commissary Chapels 3 Fitness Center (1 Permanent, 1 Temporary) 2 Important to note that schools are AA County but on our land and we do partner with them. The population of the middle and high schools are not a majority DoD students. Total School Population is 5,217 (appx 1/3 military dependent and 2/3 with no military affiliation) Parents with no military affiliation require VCC checks. ASIP includes 800 School Staff and Faculty (per ASIP 31 July 2017). Access and Force Protection issues include emergency planning for total school population through all phases of crisis, consequence and recovery management. Facilities = Debbie Faux, RCI, 7-4710, Utilities = Andre Johnson, DPW, 7-9558, 5

Fort George G. Meade Cyber Growth Support DISA ACP Reece Rd Mapes Rd E. Mapes Rd W. Cooper Ave Llewellyn Ave USCC-NSA CAMPUS PX 1. MD SHA $36.6M 2. MD SHA $28.2M 4. MILCON $15M 5. MILCON $19.5M 6. MILCON ($16.5M) 7. MILCON ($36M) 3. SHA/USDOT $10+M Plus 2,991** projected (FY18-FY24) Roadway Projects (funded/unfunded) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. MD RT 175, Disney Rd to Reece Rd State Highway Authority (SHA) $36.6M est completion date (ECD) Spring ’20 MD RT 175, Reece and Mapes Rd Intersections SHA $28.2M ECD Fall ’18 Rockenbach Rd and ACP SHA via Eastern Federal Lands (USDOT) $10M ACP/Road (plus $10M addtl), ECD TBD Mapes Rd East and ACP ARMY MILCON $15M ECD Spring ’19 Reece Rd and ACP $19.5M ECD Spring ’20 Cooper Ave Projects   FGGM MILCON #1 $16.5M, PN86767 Mapes Rd West and ACP FGGM MILCON #2 $36M, PN86407 CHANGE: Total projected growth previously listed as 1,891. Based on Defense Security Services projected growth of 1,100, total figure revised to 2,991 Barracks Update 20 October: 1. PN 60175: $72M for three buildings, each of which are four stories and contain 192 UEPH spaces for a total of 576 spaces. This may differ from previous numbers of 144 each and 432 total. This is due to the fact that previous versions had the buildings at three stories. 2. PN 60179: $76M for three buildings, each of which are four stories and contain 192 UEPH spaces for a total of 576 spaces. This may differ from previous numbers of 144 each and 432 total. This is due to the fact that previous versions had the buildings at three stories. The additional $4M in this project is for road re-alignment work required. 3. PN 87647: $24M for a single 192 UEPH space building. MD STATE ARMY UNFUNDED * 80% of population lives off post now. Approx. 7,200 NSA workers currently working off post will start working on post between FY 2018 - 2028 ** Cyber related stationing growth of 1,891 does not include family members. Barracks Deficit: ~1,600 beds Barracks Complex, 576 beds, $72M (FGGM MILCON #3, PN60175) Barracks Complex, 576 beds, $76M (FGGM MILCON #9, PN60179) Barracks Complex, 192 beds, $24M (FGGM MILCON #21, PN87647) UPDATED: 1 Jan 2018, Q4FY17 ASIP dtd 31 Oct 2017