EU CAM Network Code and CMP Guideline Proposal Update


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Presentation transcript:

EU CAM Network Code and CMP Guideline Proposal Update Transmission Workgroup 1st December 2011

Capacity Allocation Mechanism Update ENTSOG published the draft CAM Network Code for consultation 21st June 2011 This consultation closed 3rd August 2011 ENTSOG fully analysed the responses. As a result of the wide stakeholder views the ENTSOG Capacity Working Group refined existing options or developed new ones. ENTSOG decided to re-consult stakeholders on key concepts such as Auction design, Capacity products and the Sunset clause default rule The second formal consultation on new or modified CAM concepts was issued 24th October 2011 Consultation closed 14th November 2011.

Summary of Responses: Products Start date Algorithm Limit price steps Quarterly 14 1st Jan 5 Multiple 28 Unlimited 35 Yearly 24 1st Oct 29 Single 6 Limited 1 No preference 4 2 Minimise unsold Default Rule Auction Premium Split Minimise 9 Max 12 Proportional 13 Draft NC 24 Partial 5 Equal No preference 21 16 Full consultation responses available at:

CAM Timetable Activity By when ENTSOG Finalise Network Code 16/01/12 Internal Governance Approval 26/01/12 ENTSOG Board Approval 06/03/12 Deliver Network Code to ACER 09/03/12

Congestion Management Procedures Guideline Update Draft CMP Guidelines developed by the Commission - Mid October 2011 ENTSOG formally responded following it’s review of the Guideline An updated draft CMP Guideline was issued by the Commission 11th November 2011, some of the issues raised by ENTSOG have been addressed – ENTSOG will again formally respond 17th November Member States met to discuss the proposed CMP arrangements The Commission have an aspiration to publish final Guidelines in January 2012 The first Comitology meeting for Member States is expected to be 26th January 2012.