JTAMS PRE-MILESTONE B ANALYSIS PRACTICUM 1 JTAMS PRE-MILESTONE B ANALYSIS 23 September FY 1 TEAM # Team Members Each team will develop the practicum solution slide package using the templated slides provided. See the situation and artifacts document and additional information in the Job Aids folder as appropriate. All slides will be submitted to the instructors electronically (Blackboard and Shared Drive) and hard copy (printed 2 slides per page and double sided) NOTE: See the last slide (slide 11) for information to assist you in preparing your slides. PRACTICUM 1 Student Instructions: Each team will develop the practicum solution slide package using the templated slides provided, the given scenario, and the artifacts provided in the Job Aids folder. All slides will be submitted to the instructors electronically (Blackboard/Shared Drive) and hard copy (printed 2 slides per page and double sided) You will have 2 hours for research and development of the practicum solution. Additional slides can be developed to address the requirements identified on the templated slides. PRACTICUM 1
AoA Analysis What are the 3 alternatives in the AoA? What did the MDA direct? Why is this a good recommendation? (address capability and cost) What are the potential implications for sustainment? Practicum 1 See artifact document and Job Aids (AoA, etc) SEE JOB AIDS JCIDS DOCUMENTS FOR THE AOA AND MDM – ALSO THE ARTIFACT DOCUMENT pages 4-6 REFERENCES: SEE JOB AIDS JCIDS DOCUMENTS FOR THE AOA AND MDM – ALSO THE ARTIFACT DOCUMENT pages 4-6
JTAMS Operational Concept Describe the JTAMS required capabilities (use the OV-1 to provide your overview) OV-1 (cut/past OV-1 here) Required Capabilities Practicum 1 See artifact document and Job Aids SEE ARTIFACT DOCUMENT pages 7-10 REFERENCES: SEE ARTIFACT DOCUMENT pages 7-10
IT BOX Analysis Based on the JROCM and the IS ICD, develop the IT Box Organization & Oversight Chair: FCB Battlespace Awareness (BA) Co-chairs Joint Staff J6 & Army G6 Service & COCOM Representatives JTAMS Operational Sponsor Capabilities and Initial Values KPPs KSAs Hardware Refresh and System Enhancements & Integration Cost Controls Lifecycle Cost= Per year = Rationale: Applications & System Software Development Cost Controls • Lifecycle Cost = $ • Per year = $ JTAMS MRES IS ICD Oversight: Program Execution: Practicum 1 See artifact document and Job Aids - JTAMS MRES IS ICD and the JROCM SEE JOB AIDS JCIDS DOCUMENTS FOR THE MRES ICD AND THE JROCM – ALSO THE ARTIFACT DOCUMENT pages 7-13 Ref: SEE JOB AIDS JCIDS DOCUMENTS FOR THE MRES ICD AND THE JROCM – ALSO THE ARTIFACT DOCUMENT pages 7-13
Clinger-Cohen Act (CCA) Compliance # Compliance Action Documentation As of MS A As of MS B 1 Make a determination that the acquisition supports core, priority functions of the DoD. ICD Approval, 27 Oct FY0 2 Establish outcome-based performance measures linked to strategic goals. 3 Redesign the processes that the system supports to reduce costs, improve effectiveness and maximize the use of commercial off-the-shelf technology. AoA Approval Jul FY0 and AS Approval, Aug FY0 4 Determine that no private sector or government source can better support the function. AoA Approval Jul FY0 and AS Approval Aug FY0 5 Conduct Analysis of Alternatives AoA Approval Jul FY0 6 Conduct an economic analysis that includes a calculation of the return on investment; or for non-AIS programs, conduct a lifecycle cost estimate. Cost estimate developed ; affordability analysis working 7 Develop clearly established measures and accountability for program progress. Working measures program 8 Ensure that the acquisition is consistent with the DoD Information Enterprise policies and architecture, to include relevant standards. Draft on path for Success 9 Ensure that the program has a Cybersecurity Strategy that is consistent with DoD policies, standards and architectures, to include relevant standards. Cyber Security Strategy 10 10. Ensure, to the maximum extent practicable, (1) modular contracting has been used, and (2) the program is being implemented in phased, successive increments each of which meets part of the mission need and delivers measurable benefit, independent of future increments. Modular Contracting N/A; Acquisition Strategy Aug FY0 11 Register Mission-Critical and Mission-Essential systems with DoD CIO (DoD IT Portfolio Repository) Registered Mission-Critical DoDI 5000.02 Table 9 CCA Compliance; PRACT 1 CCA Analysis. For the “MS B” column, check the documents in the Job Aids folders for applicability. REFERENCES: SEE SITUATION/ARTIFACT PAGE 14 to review the MS A INFORMATION REVIEW THE SITUATION AND THE STATUS OF VARIOUS DOCUMENTS IN THE JOB AIDS FOR THE MS B COLUMN
CR-IPT Requirements Analysis (Summary of Changes and Impact on JTAMS) Identify JTAMS requirements that have changed from the DRAFT CDD to the new Final DRAFT CDD CDD Changes Impacts Status Reporting: Move to increment 2: Whatever sub-system is causing the mission to be in jeopardy shall be clearly shown on the JCCS display (move to Increment 2) Cost: cost reduction for increment 1 Schedule: positive schedule variance for increment 1 Performance: performance reduction for increment 1 PRACTICUM 1 See PRACTICUM 1 Situation and Artifacts; Job Aids/Joint Capabilities Integration Development System (JCIDS) Your CR-IPT is focused on understanding the full requirements for the JTAMS project. Analyze the requirements and capabilities documents to better understand JTAMS requirements. These documents include the ICD and the DRAFT CDD. You have some friends at the Joint Staff who just sent you what they are calling a “Final Draft” CDD which has not been formally released. Your task is to identify those JTAMS capabilities and requirements that have changed from the DRAFT CDD to this new Final DRAFT CDD. Explain the impact/trade-off made of these changes on the JTAMS program in terms of Cost/Schedule/Performance. REFERENCES: SEE SITUATION pages 15-16; ACTUAL CDD’S ARE IN JOB AIDS FOR REFERENCE
Revised Cost Analysis (EMD) Compute the EMD costs for MRES and update the total JTAMS cost V-Robotics Cost Estimate is Overall SW Development Cost for the JTAMS is $ SW maintenance for JTAMS for 15 years is $ JTAMS Life Cycle Costs are $ Robots-R-Us Cost Estimate is Overall SW Development Cost for JTAMS is $ SW maintenance for JTAMS for 15 years is $ JTAMS Life Cycle Costs are $ Recommendation: Why? PRACTICUM 1 See PRACTICUM 1 Situation and Artifacts and info in the Job Aids/Budget Documents Compute the EMD costs for MRES and update the total JTAMS cost Use the Cost Estimation Tool provided and updated knowledge of Juggernaut’s, V-Robotic’s and Robots-R-Us’ attributes to change the model parameters as needed Note that the maintenance costs come from the cost estimator – use the “view Maintenance Calculation” Provide the updated JTAMS-MRES Cost Estimates for V-Robotics and Robots-R-Us Make a recommendation on vendor selection – Identify key reasons for your vendor selection SEE THE ARTIFACT INFORMATION FOR SLIDE 8 (pages 17, 18) USE THE SPREADSHEET IN THE JOB AIDS/BUDGET DOCUMENTS FOLDER : JTAMS CE Spreadsheet for EMD 2017 USE THE DAU COST ESTIMATOR WITH THE FILE “JTAMS_Prac1 V18mar15.COCOMO.II”
Measurement Analysis Focus on MS B and the TMRR Phase Identify three additional information needs for the TMRR Phase For one information need you identified, identify a measurable concept, the base measure, and the measurement methods Information Need Rationale Is the project meeting scheduled milestones (PDR and SSR)? Actual versus planned milestones – for decisions concerning resources and to identify potential Schedule risk Information Need Description Information Need Information Category Measurable Concept Base Measure Specification Base Measures Measurement Methods PRACTICUM 1 See PRACTICUM 1 Situation and Artifacts AND Job Aids; ICM table and Measurement Spec Template Identify appropriate information needs for this stage of development. REFERENCES: READ THE SCENARIO AND DEVELOP INFORMATION NEEDS, etc – USE THE MEASURES LESSON/EXERCISES FOR REFERENCE; see artifact pages 19
Security Control Analysis Explain the role and importance of Security Controls Describe control AC-6 Provide an overview of Needlines 5 and 6: Which AC-6 controls should be implemented? Explain how implementation of these controls may improve the security posture of JTAMS PRACTICUM 1 See PRACTICUM 1 Situation and Artifacts NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 4: Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations: APPENDIX F, SECURITY CONTROL CATALOG: SECURITY CONTROLS, ENHANCEMENTS, AND SUPPLEMENTAL GUIDANCE (Page 157) Given the OV-2 NL’s (need lines) developed during the Architecture Exercise (see the JTAMS OV-2 in the artifact) , explain how implementing AC-6 and the related controls could be important to the overall security architecture of JTAMS. Limit the discussion to NL’s 5 and 6, assume Priority 1 and the moderate initial control baseline is being implemented. SEE ARTIFACT pages 20 - 23
Summary of Readiness for Milestone B Readiness for SFR, SSR, PDR and Milestone B? SSS-1? CDD-1 Validation? PDR INC 1? RDP Approved? PPP signed? Recommendation? PRACTICUM 1 scenario/artifact and documents available (or absent) from the job Aids Much of the assessment can be made from reading the situation. Ensure you identify specific actions/events that need to take place to get to MSB in your recommendation.
GUIDE TO COMPLETING THE STUDENT TEMPLATE BRIEFING REQUIREMENTS Topic TEMPLATE SLIDE (s) ARTIFACT DOCUMENT JOB AIDS JTAMS Operational Concept and AoA 2, 3 Slide 2: situation and pages 4-6 Slide 3: pages 7-10 2: JCIDS DOCS – AoA and MDM 3: JCIDS Docs IS-ICD IT box 4 4: pages 7-13 4: MRES ICD and JROCM CCA and CDD Analysis 5, 6 5: page 14 6: pages 15-16 5: Various JCIDS and Program Documents 7: CDD’s in Job Aids Affordability and Cost Analysis 7 Pages 17, 18 budget documents folder Measures Analysis 8 Review the situation and see Page 19 ICM table and background document Security Control Analysis 9 Page 20-23 NIST 800-53 Summary / Recommendation 10 Review the situation Review documents as appropriate