Fig. 1. Changes of CD63 basophil reactivity to house dust mite (HDM) allergens in patients with house dust mite immunotherapy, basophil reactivity to Dp allergen during 12-month follow-up (A), basophil reactivity to Df allergen during 12-month follow-up (B), basophil reactivity to Dp allergen during 24-month follow-up (C), basophil reactivity to Df allergen during 24-month follow-up (D). Dp, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus; Df, Dermatophagoides farine. Fig. 1. Changes of CD63 basophil reactivity to house dust mite (HDM) allergens in patients with house dust mite immunotherapy, basophil reactivity to Dp allergen during 12-month follow-up (A), basophil reactivity to Df allergen during 12-month follow-up (B), basophil reactivity to Dp allergen during 24-month follow-up (C), basophil reactivity to Df allergen… Asia Pac Allergy. 2018 Jan;8(1):e6.