Tracking resistance to TRKA inhibition in ctDNA of a patient with colorectal cancer. Tracking resistance to TRKA inhibition in ctDNA of a patient with colorectal cancer. Top, CT scans of a patient with metastatic colorectal cancer harboring an LMNA–NTRK1 rearrangement were recorded at baseline (March 2014), at the time of partial response to the pan-TRK inhibitor entrectinib (April 2014), and upon disease progression (July 2014). Bottom, longitudinal analysis of plasma ctDNA collected at different time points throughout the treatment. Red bars, absolute LMNA–NTRK1 copies in 1 mL of plasma; blue and black lines, NTRK1 p.G595R- and p.G667C-mutated alleles (%), respectively. Average ± SD of 3 independent experiments is reported. Mariangela Russo et al. Cancer Discov 2016;6:36-44 ©2016 by American Association for Cancer Research