BASIC PRINCIPLES More means less Less means more
Avoid combine colors that cause confusion or difficulty to see. COMBINATIONS Avoid combine colors that cause confusion or difficulty to see. Using colors and texts
The best way to work with colors is RULE The best way to work with colors is to contrast them CONTRAST CONTRAST
TEXTS & FONTS The best thing is to choose 2, at most 3, different types of font
TEXTS & FONTS Follow the “Rule of Seven” No more than seven lines of text per slide
TITLE Special Texts Regular text For Titles use UPPER CASE letters For regular texts like: quotations, bullets and explanations For Sub-titles you can use “first letter” upper case Special Texts You can use a second different type of font to special texts like: announce a video, if you show a picture of a known person, or to identify a place
TITLE (114 pts) / TITLE For TITLES you can use plain lines or fonts with narrow lines Use BOLD typeface and size from 64 pts up Regular text (64 pts) / Regular text 48 (pts) / Regular text (36 pts) For regular texts prefer to use fonts with plain lines You can use Bold typeface for sub-titles and size between 36 to 64 pts (depending the size of the screen) Special Texts (96 pts) / Special Texts (64 pts) For Special Texts you can use designed fonts, with curves and Italic Depending on the font type you can use Bold or Regular and the size between 64 and 96
TEXT BOX Define the size of the text box and the font you are using. If your text (quotation, Bible verse) is to large for the text box, do not decrease the font. Break the text and use another slide or an animation to continue the text.
SHADOWS Gradient Background Group of Friends You can use shadows in the fonts when the background image is not plain color. If you use a image with white parts even a white font will be visible with a dark shadow Gradient Background Group of Friends
Frames can be used as a good resource
Adapt the size of the images to the size of the presentation 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x720 1920x1080
ANIMATIONS The use of Animation goes according your preference. The rule is the same: MORE MEANS LESS. Don’t use too much. It’s not good to put to many different kinds of animations in a presentation
TRANSITIONS Transitions are a good way to create especial effects on your presentation. Some transitions can even replace animations. Define patters, like use only one kind of transition for Bible texts, one specific for images, etc...
BIG CITIES New York The Big Apple One of the most important cities in the world, New York is known as the world’s financial center. New York