As reported via a survey of State/Regional Head Start Associations Member Benefits and Communications Dana Lundy, Executive Director, New England Head Start Association NHSA Affiliate Leadership Institute April, 2014
Every Association Is Unique State Regional National 72% 24 31 1,500 – 100,000 Quick Review – States/Regional Profile Survey Results – 43 respondents (80%) 31 = Average number of grantee members is 31 (range of 5 to 93) 1,500 – 100,000 = # children/families served by associations 72% = % responding associations with paid staff 24 assns. have an Executive Director
Association Survey – Membership Benefits and Communications 17 Responding Associations $0 - $1,555,495 Size of Annual Budget 6 – 67 Number of grantee/delegate members 0 – 3 Number of paid staff Quick survey specifically about Member Benefits: Representative – and basis for information to come regarding benefits Highlight additional information we know (from survey comments and Barb’s summer survey)
Member Communications - Methods Comments from survey to consider: Listserve not used daily, but periodically to share information. Regular updates are provided to Board members who then share the information with their colleagues in their respective states. Email monthly in person meetings occasional conference calls Conference Call options are available for our Board members who cannot get to the meetings ConstantContact and Outlook email groups (directors, education coordinators, home visitors/family service workers, parents, advocacy group, health managers/coordinators) - email as necessary (often, but not quite daily) emails and telephone
Activities/Support Provided by Association Comments from survey to consider: Legislative visits to Capitol Hill and the state legislature Advocacy forums are generally through email blasts and web/Social Media postings. I am the paid lobbyist as part of my job description ongoing advocacy with state and federal legislators
Annual Professional Development Events (Association-hosted) Comments from survey to consider: While we don't offer PD in the traditional sense, we have monthly Association meetings that are designed to provide information and updates on topics identified by the membership as important to supporting their work. We do webinars in conjunction with the state and ECE community on a regular basis. We also co-sponsor and co-facilitate events with the state Dept. of education. THSA has monthly conference calls. We held a conference this year for the first time since 2010. We have paid registrations for members to the Region IV Head Start Assn annual meeting. Annual strategic planning for staff content area leaders and directors Regional Community of Learners which we call Quality Enrichment Circles; quarterly; Community of Learners include: Education/Disabilities, Health/Nutrition/Mental Health, Family/Community Engagement, Transportation/Facilities The MHSA provides leadership trainings for all audiences that utilizes The Leadership Challenge Workshop, which is an evidence-based experiential model that starts with the premise that "leadership is everyone's business." We put on the South Dakota Early Childhood Education Conference in partnership with SD AEYC. We have an annual networking calendar with networking opportunities for member programs and tribal programs (not members) Conference every two years. Regional meetings in different parts of the state to reach for proximity. NONE We hope to once again offer a conference for Home Visitors only. Last year was the first time we did it and it was very well-received. We are an approved IACET CEU provider, an approved Ohio licensure provider and seek and receive approvals for Social Work and Nursing CEUs for special training events. We work closely with the state T/TA office and the National Centers of Excellence in developing and presenting our training events. Specifically for the members of the association - none
Enhanced Professional Development Benefits for Members Comments from survey to consider: We produce a quarterly regional update and an annual report. None Wage and Benefit Study - every other year Directors meeting every other month Several conference calls on the hot topics (EHS/CC Partnership, DRS, CLASS, State Policies, etc) Mentor program for new Directors Networking Discounts for registration and exhibiting We are expanding our membership categories to include individuals, non-profits, and businesses. Coaching - Home Visiting (through a contract) Access to discounted services (some of this is through association with R7HSA & NHSA) NONE We offer custom designed training and T/A for individual agencies The association provides ongoing informal supports for Head Start directors
Exclusive Member Benefits Comments from survey to consider:
Special Initiatives n = 15 Comments from survey to consider: Hoophouses for Health is a partnership between the MHSA and the Michigan Farmers Market Association that provides low-income families with vouchers to get qualifying items at their local Farmers Market and promote healthy eating habits. Part of a three-person team in the newly founded Heartland Child Policy Forum. We had our initial meeting November 2013. It is an 8-state regional discussion/policy group - Integrated Preschool Classroom Grant Project - Health Literacy (training of "practitioners" who educate parents) - Financial Literacy (assistance in establishing collaboration with local bank, support in implementing/modifying curriculum, grant funding to support the classes & incentives) - Coordination of professional development surveys/assessments with T/TA & HSSCO
Dana Lundy (802) 498-7581 Discussion Dana Lundy (802) 498-7581 NEW ENGLAND HEAD START ASSOCIATION